
Ask works as a customer support representative for Orbis Customer Synergies.   In 2377 the USS Nightingale encountered Orbis for the first time and upon contact, Ask was assigned from the queue to manage the Nightingale's accounts. Due to extensive first trade she helped get the crew complimentary access to a variety of luxuries on Orbis Central Station however some among the crew indulged too much and ended up in a fight with station security. Ask helped repair that relationship although she needed support from a director like Ighur to help resolve matters.   When the Nigthingale won the Orbis Stellar Regalia she was awarded a nominal bonus for her management of the unpredictable but quite profitable Federation contract. After the Regalia a Tzynn captain bombarded the station, killing off the Orbis board of directors. Ask survived and still manages the accounts when the Nightingale checks in.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2357 24 Years old
Aligned Organization
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