Cmdr. Aramet Rakhiqar

Aramet Rakhiqar is currently serving as the Chief Medical Officer on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Rakhiqar is a highly skileld doctor that demands extreme precision and competency from those around her. She demands perfection and strives to push the rest of the medical team to her standards. While this does create a center of medical excellence it also can lead to frequent burnout and stress-related symptoms for her subordinates. It also appears that she has difficulty differentiating her personal and professional life. Her divorce in 2373 seems to have been triggered in part by her constant need to "improve" her spouse. Counseling sessions are focused on developing behavior patterns that will allow for things to be less than perfect and to try to embrace imperfection.  

Biographical Overview

Rakhiqar's parents were both widely recognized experts in engineering having been instrumental in developing the upgraded warp drives now seen throughout Federation space. There was strong expectations that she would follow suit however in 2349 as part of her primary education she discovered biology and found working with organics far more satisfying than working with machinery. In 2354 she branched over into medicine and dove into extracurriculars, including volunteering to help during a vaccine drive and shadowing doctors and nurses at Deneb Central Hospital. In 2357 after graduating primary education she applied for and was accepted into Starfleet Academy as a medical officer. She graduated with as a medical doctor in 2363 and was placed on the USS Lindbergh that was doing technical testing of a new weapons array. This array turned out to be a disaster and frequent overloads meant that the sickbay was always full and Rakhiqar quickly developed an expertise in treating plasma burns. When the project was shut down in 2368 she applied to be transferred as a Starfleet attache to her homeworld and she was placed back at Deneb Central Hospital. She started to settle down and in 2370 she married however by 2372 they had filed for separation and in 2373 they divorced. Rakhiqar applied for transfer to starship operations and this time she was assigned to the USS Orpheus as Chief Medical Officer for their exploration of the Hellsmouth Nebula. In 2379 as part of a shuffling of senior officers she was moved to the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
2363, 52nd percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Orpheus (2373-2379)
Deneb Central Hospital (2368-2373)
USS Lindbergh [NCC-67090] (2363-2368)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
August 25th, 2339
Year of Birth
2339 42 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations