Cmn. Chrissy Borowic

Chrissy Borowic serves as a lab technician on the USS Orpheus.

Psychological Profile

Borowic does her best to be seen as quiet and unassuming. She doesn't speak up, she tends to stand among larger crowds and displays many other habits of being shy. From her entrance counseling sessions it seems failing the Academy entrance exams has convinced her that she is too stupid for Starfleet but she is also highly resilient and dedicated so she even if she (incorrectly) considers herself unqualified for a career in Starfleet she is going to go ahead with it anyway.
It seems she has a lot of anger contained within her and during her certification when she became frustrated or felt belittled by her peers this anger would come bursting out. It is our recommendation that she begin anger management courses as a precationary measure as she seems likely to project her general anger onto specific targets of her wrath creating an oversized reaction to otherwise minor grievances. This could run the risk of alienating her peers, further isolating herself and creating an even greater pressure cooker for her bottled up feelings.  

Biographical Overview

Borowic's mother was a Klingon who had left the Klingon Empire. Her mother was unsatisfied with her purpose in life just being a political tool to be married away. There are no Federation records detailing how Borowic's mother earned her freedom but she is listed as being barred from Klingon space so the departure was unlikely to have been amicable.   Borowic was born on Earth in 2360 however by 2362 the family had relocated to Zacarious, a very rural Federation colony. Her family grew up living a frontier life and her primary education became very spotty as there was no dedicated schooling facilities and their connection to Federation remote learning was spotty. Despite these limitations Borowic seemed determined to enter Starfleet and in 2378 when she graduated primary education she applied to Starfleet Academy however she failed the enterance exams. She applied twice more and failed again so she decided to enlist instead. In 2379 she was certified as a lab technician and assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2379
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 7th, 2360
Year of Birth
2360 21 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations