Cmn. Holly Beaton

Holly Beaton serves as a damage control technician on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Beaton is a highly skilled engineer while simultaneously being uneducated. She has a hard time describing how a system works or what a problem could be but seems to intuitively guess at where the problems are and with the application of manual agitation (aka hitting it until it works) she has a good track record of making repairs. These repairs are crude and not anywhere close to Starfleet standards but they are effective and in emergency situations, that can be the different between life and death. She seems to love being in Starfleet, has an idealized vision of what Starfleet represents and seems inclined to a career on ships and stations as an enlisted personnel. One thing to note is that although she is happy and bright with a sunny disposition, she has little patience for playing political games or disrespect and during her training there was an incident where allegedly another enlisted made a disparigaing comment towards her and she knocked him out with a single punch.    

Biographical Overview

Holly Beaton was orphaned at a very young age. Starfleet Security has yet to discover what were the circumstances behind the death or disappearance of her parents but she was discovered on the outskirts of the Federation colony on Khitomer. Her heritage is 1/4 Klingon but her parents or relatives have yet to be discovered. She was fostered into the home of colony administrators who eventually adopted her. During primary education she displayed a strong aptitutde for technology however she seemed to lack the patience to truly excel in her studies. teachers noted that when she got frustrated with a problem she would either give up or attempt to brute force a solution. When she graduated primary education in 2378 her grades were not up to Starfleet Academy standards but she almost immediately enlisted as an engineer instead. In 2378 she was assigned to the USS Orpheus to participate in its exploration of the Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2379
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 23rd, 2360
Year of Birth
2360 21 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations