Cmn. Luna Fuentes

Luna Fuentes serves as an ordinance technician on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

To be clear, due to the unusual nature of Fuentes claims, the official position of Starfleet is that we believe that Fuentes is telling the truth but that her knowledge of the timeline is so far askew fromreality that there is no temporal risk in her fulfilling her duties to the best of her ability. While it is possible that her stories of alternate timelines are fantasy or deception, there are no indicators of mental illness or motivation for such an elaborate deception. Stranger things have occured in Federation history so supervisors are advised to treat any eccentricities Fuentes displays as cultural differences. Temporal anomolies aside, Fuentes is a dedicated crewman who has displayed both skill and craft in her duties as well as creative problem solving. Based on her abilities she seems to be prime officer material however when this was pointed out she said that such a promotion for her would be out of the question adn did not elucidate further.   NOTE: Based on personal log analysis it seems that Fuentes is in a romantic relationship with Cmn. Clement. Currently they have not disclosed this relationship.  

Biographical Overview

According to Fuentees she grew up on a very remote and rural mining colony on Crelarus. In her timeline Humans were at war with almost the entire galaxy (although this does not seem to have been the Terran Empire but instead a completely different parallel timeline). The mines were strategically important and she witnessed dozens of attempted attacks very early on in her life. She ended up becoming a spy and operated through the black market to develop illicit contacts within enemy governments. It was in the process of tracking down a shipment of stolen time crystals that she was ambushed and a time crystal exploded right in front of her. When she woke up, her timeline was completely altered. Given the rarity and unpredictable nature of time crystals it was determined that sending her back to her timeline would be unlikely. A debrief showed that her knowledge of alternate universe history and technology would not have any risk so she was cleared for asylum into the Federation. Shortly afterwards citing feelings of unease as a civilian she enlisted within Starfleet and given her aptitude scores was placed on the USS Orpheusfor exploration duty.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2378
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 30th, 2359
Year of Birth
2359 22 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations