Cmn. Silas Clement

Silas Clement serves as a security crewman on the USS Orpheus (Beta Team).  

Psychological Profile

It is difficult for a doctor to be honest if they are intimidated by their patient. There is an air of malice around Clement that is unnerving. It is difficult for me to be honest about this profile becuase my mind keeps fixating on what would happen if any of this is at some point relayed back to him. Therfore all I can say being honest with myself and my own feelings is that he is certified to be stationed on long term exploration missions. The longer the better.  

2378 Update - Cpt. Eradas

It is entries like this that call into question the training and quality of psychologists in Starfleet Psyche Department. Clement is not some kind of mass murderer nor does he display any sort of impulse control deficiency. The thought that he would lash out over a critical review is laughable. If Starfleet HQ can't do a proper evaluation then I will. After having Clement on board the Orpheus for six months and having Lt. Cmdr. Duhl put him through his paces I feel more than qualified to give a proper review. Clement is dangerous, yes, but in a very controlled way. He does not choose violence until someone else makes that choice however he is a very effective and dangerous combatant and Lt. Cmdr. Duhl is working to try to have him discover a middle ground between Total Peace and Total War. He is stoic, quiet, and very thick-skinned. He has been through a lot of trauma in his past and that means he has a very cold and inpenetrable exterior. Still, he stayed in Starfleet for some reason and I think he is beginning to see this ship as a new home and a new family. In fact I know that Clement is in a romantic relationship with Cmn. Fuentes. Currently they have not disclosed this relationship but a captain knows what happens on her ship. He has also befriend Lt. JG O'Sullivan and she is tutoring him in tactical operations. I can see Clement becoming an officer in a few years at this pace. I am issuing a formal complaint about the quality of this evaluation to Starfleet HQ. Hopefully they will re-evaluate their hiring and training protocols to avoid any more situations like this.    

Biographical Overview

Clement was born on Khitomer to an agriculture commune that was located in close proximity to a Klingon colony. Despite the peace agreements his colony was attacked several times by Klingon raiders. In the first attack his father died. In the second attack his mother and older sister. Finally in the third attack the colony was completely razed to the ground. Clement survived by hiding among a pile of corpses and digging his way to safety shortly before the raiders burned them all. He then walked over 30 miles across rugged terrain with minimal supplies to the next nearest Federation colony. He was seven years old at this time. He didn't speak until two years later but by 2351 at ten years old there was little external indicators he had experienced such deep trauama. Observers would note, however, that where Clement went violence often erupted although according to the authorities Clement was always registered as fighting in self-defense.   In 2357 Clement enlisted with the Khitomer Rangers, a militia group created to help defend Khitomer colonies from raiders and pirates. He served among the Rangers for over five years showing little interest in galactic affairs that extended beyond hunting down fugitives. However in 2373 when the Dominion War erupted after hearing about the massacres happening on the Cardassian border, Clement and several other Rangers marched into the local enlistment office and signed up to join the war.
Clement was stationed on the USS Wellington, a frontline Sydney-Class ship operating as a troop transport. Clement fought in dozens of ground battles against the Cardassian and Jem'Hadar forces.   When the war concluded in 2375 the small group of surviving Rangers stayed aboard the Wellington although year after year one or two would either transfer out or retire from Starfleet. By 2378 Clement was the only Khitomer Ranger still in Starfleet however instead of going back home, he put in a request to be transferred to an exploration vessel and he was re-assgined to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2373
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Wellington [NCC-59106] (2373-2378)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 19th, 2341
Year of Birth
2341 40 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations