Cmn. Uchall Demparri

Uchall Demparri serves as a shuttle technician on the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Demparri likes to lean into his Klingon heritage giving the impression of strength and combat prowess but the truth is that violence and combat has little appeal for him. When faced with what war and being a Klingon warrior would truly entail, he withdrew, choosing to enlist in Starfleet only after the war was over. It isn't cowardice, however, as in 2376 he risked his life to save several other crew during a shuttle repair accident. Instead it is a fundamental distaste for violence. His father was a diplomatic envoy for a reason and that aversion seems even stronger in Demparri. His father had hoped he would become a Klingon warrior and his complete absence from the Dominion War is a black mark on his famiy honor. Based on his psychological reports, he has not talked to his father in years and their relationship even then had turned acrimonious.  

Biographical Overview

Demparri was born on Earth as the son of K'varulo Demparri, one of the administrative staff to the Klingon ambassadors to the Federation. The Demparri house was not very well established and when given the opportunity his father resettled to Earth and raise their child as a child of the Federation. Despite growing up on Earth, Demparri was emersed into the culture of his Klingon ancestry. Torn between two worlds, when he graduated primary education in 2373 he traveled with his father to Qo'nos to embark on the trials of a warrior. Soon after the Dominion War erupted and the Klingon Empire went to war. Shocked by their war plans, Demparri withdrew from warrior trials and went back to Federation space. In 2375 shortly after the Dominion War ended, Demparri enlisted in Starfleet and was assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
N/A, enlisted in 2375
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 25th, 2355
Year of Birth
2355 26 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations