Cmn. Zachary Weintraub (Zack-ah-ree Wine-trob)

Zachary Weintraub serves as an EPS specialist on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Starfleet does not place too much judgement on why a person enlists, so long as they serve in good faith and uphold the values of Starfleet and the Federation. Weintraub has outright expressed he is looking to serve to get ideas for his next holonovel but this is viewed as a mutually beneficial arrangement. Starfleet recruitment has often seen surges when Starfleet stories become popular in entertainment circles so Weintraub was prioritized for deep space exploration despite some personality traits that would indicate his temprament better suited for Starbase or administration duty.   He is friendly and competent but has issues with boundaries, often asking inappropriate questions and he was reprimanded several times during his training for wandering into other people's quarters without permission. Supervisors should note a mild tendancy towards kleptomania. It doesn't appear to be a conscious action, instead he seems to pick up things and then put them in his pocket and forget about them. This could, in theory, create conflict with other crewmembers however on the Orpheus there is a small collection of lower deck crew who are big fans of his work, including Cmn. Askell and Cmn. Nekelan and his friend seem willing and able to keep an eye on Weintraub to make sure he doesn't get into any serious trouble.  

Biographical Overview

Weintraub's parents are currently unknown beyond sparce Federation records. His actual place of birth is unknown but his escape pod was first discovered by long range sensors from Cochrane Station. In 2239 a Weintraub family was part of a colonial effort to settle far away from Federation space and genetic markers show some ancestry that it is likely that Weintraub is a descendant of these settlers however where they actually colonized or what has happened to them since is a mystery. Weintraub was accepted as part of a refugee program and placed in Federation foster programs. Based on attendance records he had a difficult time in school, often not attending classes and being discovered by security wandering around the city. Upon completion of his primary education in 2365 he attempted to become a professional holo novelist and has produced dozens of works such as "Shadows of the Lost Frontier" and "The Valley Rift". His first several holonovels received some noteriaty but his later work received almost no attention and by 2375 he had stopped producing any more novels. At a conference in 2378 he explained that his lack of further production was due to writer's block and he intended to enlist in Starfleet to garner new experiences to jumpstart his creativity. At the conclusion of that conference he enlisted in Starfleet. Upon completing his operations certification in 2378 he was assigned to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
N/A, enlisted in 2378
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2378-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 5th, 2347
Year of Birth
2346 35 Years old
Cochrane Station
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations