Djomar (Joe-mar)

The Djomar are a species native to the Typhon Expanse.  


The Djomar's history is deeply rooted in their struggle for freedom and independence from their oppressors, the Xanids. The Djomar were enslaved by the Xanids for centuries, forced to work as bureaucrats and diplomats to serve the Xanid Suzerainty. However, in the year 2250, a group of young Djomar began to question the Xanid's oppressive rule and started to organize peaceful protests and demonstrations against their masters. These demonstrations quickly spread to other enslaved species, and the movement for freedom gained momentum.   As the movement grew, the Djomar became more vocal and began to spread their message of hope and freedom to other enslaved species throughout the Xanid Suzerainty. They used their skills in diplomacy and communication to reach out to others and build alliances with other species, slowly building a network of support that would become the foundation of the Starlight Alliance.   In the year 2270, the Djomar led a massive strike that brought the Xanid Suzerainty to its knees with help from the Scyldari. The Xanids responded by sending in their enforces, the Kel-Azaan to use physical force to bring the Djomar and the others back in line. Instead the message of freedom and independence from the Xanids spread through the Kel-Azaan and they ended up revolting and throwing their support behind the Djomar instead triggering a war for independence.   In 2321 after decades of war a cease fire was negotiated and the Djomar and others were effectively free. After gaining their independence, the Djomar took on a new role as the peacemakers and diplomats of the Starlight Alliance. Their highly developed rituals for diplomacy and communication proved invaluable in building relationships with other species and resolving conflicts peacefully. The Djomar were highly respected for their diplomatic skills and became an integral part of the Alliance's leadership.   In more recent times, the Djomar have continued to play a vital role in the Starlight Alliance. They have been instrumental in negotiating peace treaties to bring in new members like the Yondar. Despite their past oppression, the Djomar have become a shining example of hope and perseverance, and their contributions to the Starlight Alliance will not be forgotten.  


The Djomar are a herbivorous species with a slender build and elongated limbs that allow for swift and graceful movement. Their most distinctive feature, however, is the pair of curved horns that grow from the top of their skull and curl back over their ears.   These horns play a significant role in Djomar biology and culture. As a rite of passage to symoblize their commitment to peace they use a resin to create a permanent binding between their horns resulting in a halo ensuring that they cannot be used for violence. Instead, the horns are used as a form of communication, with different positions and angles conveying various emotions and intentions.   The Djomar have very keen eyesight which plays into their diplomatic capabilities as their eyesight is sufficient to track microexpressions common among other species trying to mask their emotions. In addition when performing rituals with other Djomar they are sensitive enough to track thousands of miniscule variations in procedure allowing incredible nuance within a single ritual.   The Djomar have a very slow reproductive rate with a female of the species typically only bearing one child every ten years. Multiple births like twins are incredibly rare and celebrated as a miraculous event and within Djomar society being a twin is reason enough for celebrity status.   Additionally, the Djomar have a unique digestive system that allows them to extract nutrients from even the toughest of plant matter. Their teeth are flat and broad, perfect for grinding and mashing, and they possess multiple stomachs that aid in the breakdown of food. This specialized digestive system has allowed the Djomar to thrive on their herbivorous diet, even in the harshest of environments.  

Society & Culture

The Djomar are a highly complex and ritualistic society, with a social structure based on consensus and compromise. In their society, every member has a voice and is valued equally, regardless of their status or wealth. Djomar politics are an intricate affair, and diplomacy is their primary form of communication. Their political process involves weeks of negotiations, discussions, and debates to reach an agreement on even the most minor issues. This process is slow, but it ensures that everyone's voice is heard, and that decisions are made based on mutual understanding and empathy.   As for popular entertainment, the Djomar have a rich cultural tradition that centers around storytelling, music, and dance. Their music is heavily influenced by the natural sounds of their homeworld, incorporating the rhythms of the wind, water, and wildlife. They have intricate dances that are performed during celebrations, with each movement and gesture having a specific meaning. Djomar storytelling is also highly developed, with epic tales and legends that have been passed down for generations.   Another unique aspect of Djomar culture is their obsession with cleanliness and hygiene. Due to their herbivorous nature, they have a complex digestive system that requires them to consume vast amounts of fiber, which results in a significant amount of waste. To combat this, they have developed elaborate systems of sanitation and waste disposal, ensuring that their living spaces are always spotless and odorless.