
The Scyldari are a warp-capable species located in the Typhon Expanse and are founding members of the Starlight Alliance.  


The Scyldari have a long and complex history, marked by the enslavement and exploitation by the Xanids. They were first discovered by the Xanids in 2090 and were quickly recognized for their usefulness as a labor force due to their impressive strength and dexterity. The Xanids began colonizing Scyldari homeworlds, forcibly relocating Scyldari populations to new planets, and exploiting their labor for their own benefit.   Over time, the Scyldari became increasingly resentful of their Xanid oppressors, leading to the Scyldari uprisings of 2270. Inspired by the Djomar strikes, the Scyldari rebelled against the Xanids across dozens of planets, engaging in guerrilla warfare and sabotage. The rebellion lasted for several years, but eventually, with the help of the Djomar and other allies, the Scyldari succeeded in driving the Xanids from their worlds and claiming their independence.   Since then, the Scyldari have focused on rebuilding their society and establishing their place in the galaxy. They have become a key member of the Starlight Alliance, working closely with the Djomar to promote peace and cooperation among the different species.   Today, the Scyldari continue to thrive as a confederacy of smaller states, each led by a spiritual leader. They maintain close ties with their fellow Starlight Alliance members, but remain independent and committed to their own values and way of life.  


The Scyldari are a bipedal, sentient species that evolved from brachial apes. They have a humanoid form marked by ridges on the top of their heads covered in hair and fur creating a frilled look to them. Their constitution is notably hardy due to the pressures over the last few hundred years of colonizing suboptimal planets by order of the Xanids.   The Scyldari have a remarkable ability to sense the natural world around them. They are able to perceive changes in temperature, air pressure, and other environmental factors, which has made them excellent farmers and craftsmen. This has also made them very sensitive to the effects of pollution and climate change which helped shape their society into being very environmentally conscious.  

Society & Culture

The Scyldari society is based on small groups of tribes that are led by spiritual leaders known as Elders. These local Elders periodically convene in larger groups to discuss and settle matters across regions or even planets but otherwise Scyldari are very content with extremely localized and decentralized rule. Elders are chosen democratically by the tribe from a pool of spiritual leaders chosen by either the previous Elder or a visiting Elder.   The Scylardi have a deep connection to nature and their religion cetners aroun   The Scyldari are known for their deep spiritual beliefs and their strong connection to nature. They believe in a unified life force that connects every living creature, and this belief is reflected in their religious practices. They have a complex system of rituals and ceremonies that are designed to honor the natural world and celebrate the interconnectedness of all things.   Their art and entertainment also reflect their connection to nature. Their music is often based on natural sounds, and their dances and performances often incorporate elements of the natural world. They also place a high value on storytelling, and many of their tales and legends involve animals and other natural phenomena.   The Scyldari place a high emphasis on sustainability and environmentalism. They take great care to ensure that their agricultural and industrial practices are environmentally friendly and that as little waste as possible is produced. They also have a strong tradition of recycling and repurposing, and they view waste as a failure of their society to properly honor the natural world.   The Scyldari are not monogamous and instead come together during mating seasons, with couples raising offspring together as a community. This communal approach extends to all aspects of their society, and they place a high value on cooperation and mutual support.