
The Kel-Azaan are a warp-capable humanoid species originating from Kel-Azaa.  


Based on Morghi archives, the Kel-Azaan were a species of herbivores that were uplifted to serve as soldiers in the ancient war between the Morghi and the Suka. When the Morghi defeated their opponents the Kel-Azaan had their advanced technology taken away from them and they were returned to their planet to grow a civilization in a more natural format although the ancient memories of the war between "gods" persisted in their myths and legends.   In more recent time, the Kel-Azaan were just starting to expand into space on their own merit when the Xanid Suzerainty discovered their planet and turned the hardy and militaristic Kel-Azaan into their soldiers and enforcers. With legions of Kel-Azaan, the Xanids conquered many of the other species in the Typhon Expanse and held them under their boots.   In 2270 the Djomar staged a rebellion against their Xanid oppressors and the Kel-Azaan soon followed suit. The rebellion lasted many years but in 2321 a cease-fire was proposed. The Kel-Azaan eventually joined the Djomar and other ex-slave species under the banner of the Starlight Alliance to protect themselves against the Tzynn Star Empire expansion.   Since 2357 the Kel-Azaan have served on the forefront of the war against the Tzynn, holding key positions in the Starlight military and comprising the vast bulk of the Starlight forces.  


Kel-Azaan are very tall, on average standing over 7' tall with massive horns that can add another foot to their height. Kel-Azaan ships are designed with tall ceilings and broad corridors to account for this but Kel-Azaan marines are trained to squeeze into tight spaces, going so far as to cut or shape their horns to reduce their size. Kel-Azaans are physically very strong and resilient making them natural soldiers. Kel-Azaan do not have a single central nervous system but two parallel systems. This allows them to move with incredible control and agility and even if one nervous system is damaged the second often has enough control to allow basic movement and function. Kel-Azaan legs bend backwards (unguligrade) and end in a hoof. Kel-Azaan struggle to sit in most humanoid furniture and it is customary for them to remain standing at all times.  

Society & Culture

Kel-Azaan society is built around communal service for the greater good. Everyone is expected to find a way to contribute to the greater society and Kel-Azaan have such strong herd instincts that even the idea of putting less than their full effort towards mutual survival and defense is foreign to them. Kel-Azaa is home to many large apex predators and selfish indviduals were weeded out long ago on the Kel-Azaan evolutionary tree.   Combat is such a strong part of their society that their art and culture revolves around it. The music they produce is designed to either be sung as a work tune to keep rhythm or are dirges remembering the sacrifices of those that have died. Their artwork is oriented around decorating armor and weapons and their main form of entertainment is sporting competitions and gladitorial combat. Since joining the Starlight Alliance the influence of Djomar and Scyldari cultures are starting to bleed in but the strong focus on military still remains at the heart of Kel-Azaan society.