Ens. Matthieu Beauvilliers (Math-you Boo-vee-ay)

Matthieu Beauvilliers serves as a science officer on the USS Orpheus specializing in geology.  

Psychological Profile

Beauvilliers loves rocks. He really loves rocks. That might seem obvious for a geologist and simple and reductive for a psyche evaluation but spending any time with Beauvilliers will demonstrate that this isn't just a main personality trait, this seems to be his only personality trait. A deeper analysis would be that he is hyperfocused on his passion and tries to use his knowledge of rocks and minerals as a way to compensate for a lack of traditional social skills. In practice he talks about rocks all the time. When his psyche evaluation was talking about his feelings he drew a comparsion back to sedimentary layers. Starfleet encourages its members to develop scientific passions but Beauvilliers' falls under the category of obsession and it is critical for his long term development that he learn that there is more in the galaxy beyond rocks.   For example, the complicated relationship he has with his parents. HIs parents seem to have become conspiracy theorists and recently have joined advocacy groups claiming that Starfleet attacked the Borg. During his parents descent into misinformation, rocks became the thing that Beauvilliers could rely upon and that seems to be why they are now a core part of his identity and personality.   NOTE: Since being assigned to the Orpheus, Beauvilliers has taken on Lt. Moss as a friend and mentor. The two came from the same colony and Moss has taken Beauvilliers under his wing. So far Moss has been able to steer conversations back to his home life.  

Biographical Overview

Beauvilliers was born on Titus IV, a small frontier colony. His parents originally worked at one of the Starfleet shipyards but had become disillusioned with Starfleet over the recent conflicts and events. In 2367 his parents became part of a skeptic group that did not see the Borg as the threat that Starfleet made them out to be and viewed Wolf 359 not as an attack on humanity but as a failure of diplomacy. One year later Beauvilliers moved out of his parents and lived with a cousin while finishing up his primary education stating that his parents conspiracy theory was interferring with their ability to provide care.   In 2371 he completed his primary education and was accepted into Starfleet Academy. During his time there he ended up specializing in Geology. In 2375 he graduated in the top quintile of the academy and was assigned to the USS Orpheus. In 2376 his knowledge of material science was able to discern that a group of quartz gifted to Cpt. Eradas were actually listening devices due to the material density being too deviated from the norm.
Starfleet Academy
2375, 81st percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 19th, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Titus IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations