Lt. Otis Moss

Otis Moss serves as a science officer on the USS Orpheus specializing in astrophysics research.  

Psychological Profile

On my desktop is a "word of the day" app and the word is insouciant. It means "a casual lack of concern and indifference" and that attitude sums up Moss in terms of his attitude towards anything that isn't his work. Whether the ship is under attack by the Borg or racing to prevent a war, that is all trivial to Moss so long as he gets to keep working on his own projects. He is quite gifted but this singular focus has held him back and will continue to hold him back. He was only promoted to Lieutenant earlier this year (2379) but is already making demands as if he was a senior researcher at the Daystrom Institute. Shortly after boarding the USS Orpheus he apparently got into a very heated discussion with the Chief Science Officer about a lack of a support team of technicians and junior officers to support his work. So long as his goals align with the ship's goals he is a skilled science officer. However when those goals are not in alignment he can be quite difficult to manage as he will make a lot of noise until he gets his way. Ordinarily such behaviors would have been stomped out years ago but the Dominion War gave him years of alignment with Starfleet's top demand and now as a middle-ranking ship's officer it is getting increasingly difficult to readjust that behavior. Supervisors beware of his insouciant attitude.   NOTE: Since being assigned, Moss has become friends with Ens. Beauvilliers who also came from the same colony. It seems that Moss is acting as a mentor to the young science officer.  

Biographical Overview

Moss was born on the frontier colony fo Titus IV where his parents were architects brought into the colony specifically to design a new culture for the people of Titus IV. His parents rejected Federation norms and worked very hard to develop a unique building style that did not tie back to any ancient Earth culture or borrow elements from other races. Even as a child Moss found this committment to the new and origianl to be a waste of effort and based on colony logs he was often getting into trouble as a child and rejecting the tasks and chores assigned to him by the other colonists. Once he entered primary academics however this rebellious streak ended and he threw himself into his studies excelling primarily in math and sciences. As soon as he could he left Titus IV and by known records has never returned since.   Moss became a science officer specializing in astrophysics after spending his first two years dabbling between different specialties. In 2365 he graduated and was placed on Starbase 421 as part of a stellar observatory team. In 2372 he was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and planned on continuing his research into stellar phenomenon when the Dominion War broke out and in 2373 he was reassigned to the USS La Puna. The La Puna was a Cheyenne-Class reconaissance ship and Moss became quite skilled at finding new paths through otherwise explored space that let Starfleet ships ambush Dominion and Cardassian forces. When the war concluded he continued serving on the La Puna but in 2379 he applied for transfer to the USS Orpheus in order to lead a scientific research team. Shortly after his transfer the ship was re-assigned to exploring the Typhon Expanse and Moss was re-purposed to studying methods of maintaining passages through the Hellsmouth Nebula.
Starfleet Academy Class
2365, 65th percentile
Martial Status
Single, 1 child
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS La Puna [NCC-74354] (2373-2379)
Starbase 421 (2365-2373)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 13th, 2343
Year of Birth
2343 38 Years old
Titus IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations