H'hemeta Khog

Khog was the bodyguard for Jaro Essa.   Khog grew up in Klingon space and served on his older brother's bird-of-prey. In 2370 they were raiding but the supposedly unarmed merchant vessel they were attacking ended up having more fire power than expected and a lucky shot caused the ship's hull to crack. According to official reports, Khog was the only survivor however Jaro discovered subspace logs that indicated that Khog's older brother had survived on the wreckage but Khog declined to go back and rescue him. If this became known Khog's honor would be in ruins and Jaro used these logs to blackmail Khog and the rest of his family into operating as his personal agents. When Jaro acquired control of Lamerck Mining he used Khog and the other Klingons to intimidate striking miners and sabotage rivals.   In 2376 while on Deep Space 9 Khog was briefly a suspect in the murder of Jaro however was quickly cleared due to only Bajoran DNA being recovered from the scene of the crime. When it was discovered that Krate Xordea had killed Jaro in self-defense, Khog destroyed Jaro's personal datapad and then departed the station with the rest of his clan heading back towards the Klingon Empire.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2334 47 Years old