Lt. Cmdr. Malcolm McNeil

Malcolm McNeil was the Chief Engineer on board the USS Oberon.  

Psychological Profile

Malcolm McNeil is a brilliant yet enigmatic figure in Starfleet engineering. His intellect and problem-solving skills are unparalleled, earning him a reputation as one of the best engineers in the fleet. However, McNeil's approach to his work is marked by an unusual blend of brilliance and apparent laziness. He often finds shortcuts and unconventional methods to achieve desired results, which has led to suspicions of him violating numerous Starfleet engineering regulations. Normally finding efficiencies is highly beneficial in an engineer but all his attention seems to be focused on only helping himself instead of the crew as a whole.   One of McNeil's most distinctive traits is his unwavering self-confidence, bordering on arrogance. He firmly believes himself to be the smartest person in any room, a perspective that sometimes hampers collaboration with his peers. His inherent paranoia has him constantly creating layered contingency plans for all situations, believing that others will inevitably fail him.   McNeil has remained remarkably elusive to Starfleet investigators. Inspections into his conduct, while frequent, have consistently come up clean, suggesting a level of meticulousness in covering his tracks. His behavior remains a subject of intrigue among his colleagues, who admire his intellect but remain wary of his self-serving approach to engineering challenges.  

Biographical Overview

Malcolm McNeil was born on the serene and picturesque planet of New Edinburgh in the Alpha Quadrant on March 12, 2324. Raised in a tight-knit family, he spent his childhood exploring the rugged landscapes and pristine wilderness of his home world. It was the early days of settlemenet for New Edinburgh and at a young age McNeil found himself having to help out on repairs as the colonists were using outdated technology well past its expected lifespan.   When his skill in engineering, especially programming automated systems, developed he was accepted into Starfleet academy. He graduated at the top of his class and was placed on the USS Vanguard. During a routine away mission to survey potential outpost locations Lyssara IV, his away team unwittingly encountered a formidable species of apex predators. For six days he was hunted as the other team was picked off one by one. On the seventh day McNeil was able to salvage enough spare matrials to create a makeshift emergency beacon and was transported jusut before the predator pack consumed him. After this he put in a transfer for Outpost work and he served on Starbase 11. Due to a shortage of personnel at the time he was advised to transfer to the USS Intrepid for planetary survey duty. While he performed competently, the Captain noted that whenever McNeil was slated for an away mission there would be a mysterious malfunction that would require his attention on the ship. After several years of "mishaps" McNeil was transferred to Starbase 24 to resume station duty. Once again his skill in planetary surveys caused him to be transferred to the USS Kepler and once again a string of mysterious unexplained engineering problems followed him. This time in 2363 he was transferred to the USS Oberon as Chief Engineer where he served without notable distinction as their Chief Engineer.
UPDATE: In 2377 the Oberon encountered an Unknown Alien Dreadnaught and the ship was destroyed. McNeil was one of only three survivors of the ship and was awared a meritorious award for helping Cpt. Lonkunsh and Ens. Kosi escape. Since then he has taken a part-time position teaching computer programming at Starfleet Academy.
Starfleet Academy Class
2346, Top of Class
  Martial Status
  Current Assignment
Starfleet Academy Adjunct Professor
  Previous Assignments
USS Oberon (2363-2377)
USS Kepler (2361-2362)
Starbase 24 (2358-2360)
USS Intrepid (2354-2357)
Starbase 11 (2350-2353)
USS Vanguard (2346-2349)
Current Status
Date of Birth
March 12, 2324.
Year of Birth
2324 57 Years old
New Edinburgh
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations