Lt. Kosi Pala

Kosi Pala is the Chief Operations officer on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Kosi has a complex psychological profile. While she is very optimistic and somewhat naive having grown up in a cultural center like London, she also was the recipient of a lot of expectations by her parents. Her family lost many relatives and their entire livelihood in the Cardassian invasion and it was expected that Kosi would help repay their debt to the Federation, whether she liked it or not. She is excited to see the stars and explore the galaxy but she is also a bit reluctant to leave everything behind and fulfill this obligation. That being said if she can find something that she is passionate about it is expected that her motivation and satisfaction within Starfleet would improve dramatically. She had developed a close group of friends while on board the Oberon and with their deaths and the Oberon's destruction she is in a deep grieving process as she looks to rebuild her social network and reconcile her place in a galaxy that is suddenly empty of many of her friends.   NOTE: Records indicate that Kosi was good friends with Cmn. Rdjira  back on the USS Oberon and the two were critical for supporting one another in the aftermath of the Oberon's destruction.    

Biographical Overview

Kosi was born on Bajor but early in her childhood her parents were part of a successful revolt that overthrew the Cardassian guards of their mining camp and they hijacked a shuttle and fled to the Federation. She spent the rest of her childhood growing up in London on Earth as one of many Bajoran refugees. Both her parents pushed for her to join Starfleet and in her teens she rejected the idea, wanting instead to become a chef. When she saw how the Federation had helped liberate her homeworld and as the stories of the atrocities committed by the Cardassian Union filtered through she realized that even though it wasn't necessarily her calling, she owed her existence to the Federation and it was her duty to return the favor.   While she was a decent, if average, student, she showed an aptitude towards EPS systems that led her into the Operations branch of Starfleet Academy. There she worked as an assistant to Professor Bosch whose work pioneered the next generation of EPS systems. While her graduation percentile was slightly above average it was her certification in next generation power systems that earned her an assignment on the USS Oberon. As part of its next scheduled refit the Oberon was going to test out these advanced EPS systems and Kosi, despite only being an ensign at the time, was going to be critical for their installation and operation.   Unfortunately this never came to pass as the Oberon was destroyed by the Unknown Alien Dreadnaught in the space around Seku VI. When Cpt. Lonkunsh ordered the ship to be abandoned she was one of the few of the crew able to make it to an escape pod. In the process she was able to help rescue the badly wounded captain and dragging him to safety.   She, along with the other survivors, was re-assigned to the newly refitted USS Nightingale. As the Oberon was no longer able to test the new EPS system, the Nightingale was chosen to receive the upgrade and Kosi was selected as their new Chief of Operations to ensure the science vessel would operate properly.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Kosi has proven to be an excellent operations officer and a top candidate on the crew to push for promotion. She has demonstrated both extreme aptitude in keeping the advanced systems on the ship running as well as the leadership necessary to keep her department running smoothly. In fact the Operations department, in my opinoin, is the best run department on the ship thanks to her leadership. As a note to Starfleet psychology it appears she has entered into a relationship with Lt. Sel. As their supervisor I have filed form 3A-C to clear their relationship with Starfleet command.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

During her time on the USS Nightingale Kosi has demonstrated her ability to not just handle the advanced power systems but to also upskill her entire department into handling these systems. She has demonstrated time and time again both her competency within Operations as well as her leadership to run a tight ship without any notable incidents or issues. Therefore she is being promoted to full Lieutenant.   Kosi and Sel put things into a difficult situation. On the one hand it only makes sense to bring Kosi over to the USS Orpheus due to the ship running on the advanced EPS systems that Kosi is already very familiar with. On the other hand this would put Sel as her direct supervisor when they have a pre-existing relationship which is an absolute violation of Starfleet protocols. However, for the duration of this mission I am putting in an exception that will be approved by Stafleet Command. Under this exception, I would be responsible for her performance review and evaluation to avoid any conflicts of interest. The second point is that as soon as the Typhon Expanse exploration is completed either Kosi or Sel will be re-assigned to resolve this conflict. Third, they cannot be part of the same away team to avoid any conflicts of interest. Finally I am going to mandate that they maintain romantic distance to avoid impacting morale and giving any perceptions of favoritism.   With these caveats in place I am providing an exception to Starfleet regulations and approving her transfer to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
2376, 55th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379) [br ]USS Oberon (2376-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 21st, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations