Cpt. Sidvar Lonkunsh

Sidvar Lonkunsh was the captain of the USS Oberon.  


Lonkunsh has a well-deserved reputation of being difficult to work with. Almost half of the crew that have been assigned to the Oberon have requested transfers within their first six months. Reports show that he is demanding, unyielding, and puts an intense amount of pressure on his crew even for "light" assignments. That being said those who can survive his intense leadership style are trained rapidly and many of his former crew have gone on to excel in incredibly difficult situations. Admiral Shepherd has summarized it as "If you can survive a year under Lonkunsh, you can survive just about anywhere."  


Lonkunsh has just passed forty years working for the Federation. As a cadet he was viewed as unimaginative but with an incredible work ethic, willing and able to concentrate and focus on difficult tasks for days at a time. What he seemed to lack in creativity he more than made up for with sheer force of will. As such he quickly regulated for internal work instead of external diplomacy and exploration. With a relability the Admiralty could set a quantum clock to, Lonknush rose through the ranks and by 2349 he was placed in command of the Oberon, a logistics and supply transport. For nearly twenty years Lonkunsh has kept the Oberon working, long past its expected service life and without ever missing a delivery.   In 2377, however, while stationed along the Romulan Border based out of Chiron Station the Oberon picked up an unusual signal around Seku VI. While an away team was investiaging the signal, the Abaddon Dreadnaught jumped in and began opening fire on the Oberon with large kinetic rounds. While the Oberon fought back valiently, it was heavily outgunned and eventually a round connected, drilling a hole straight through the ship.
Lonkunsh survived thanks to the efforts of Lt. JG Kosi Pala and Lt Cmdr. Savrek, the latter of whom gave her life in order to get Lonkunsh to an escape pod.
Current Status
Date of Birth
May 02, 2314
Year of Birth
2314 67 Years old
Aligned Organization
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