Lt Cmdr. Shryvaa "Savrek" Zh'shravoq (Saah-vreck)

Shryvaa "Savrek" Zh'shravoq is an engineering shift lead on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Zh'shravoq has dealt with some serious personal tragedies in her life but has come through them all stronger than ever. There is immense societal pressure on Andorians to reproduce to combat their collapsing population and having gone through two failed pregnancies could have taken a significant toll on the psyche of anyone. Instead Zh'shravoq has come through it seemingly unchanged. Based on evaluations her mood tends to depend on what time of the shift it is. Early in her shift she is reported as moody or cranky but by the end of the shift she is almost manic with energy and enthusiasm. The core of this is that she finds great satisfaction in fixing things that are broken and can be somewhat listless if she doesn't have a problem occupying her attention. She might not classify as the most brilliant engineer in Starfleet but she is persistent and creative at finding solutions that are as bizarre as they are effective.   Since the attack on the USS Nightingale by the IRW Raknor she has grown to be close friends with Chief Engineer Lt. Morrow and has demonstrated great leadership potential by helping ease communication between Morrow and the rest of the crew.  

Biographical Overview

Zh'shravoq was born in a more remote part of Andoria. Her parents were part of a collective that felt that the declining birth rates among Andorians was due to technological pollution so she grew up removed from replicators and advanced technology and there is where she developed a knack for fixing things using improvised parts and unorthodox solutions. Although her parents did not like the idea of their "miracle child" leaving for Starfleet eventually they acquiesced and although Zh'shravoq was ten years older than typical Starfleet applicants she was accepted and enrolled in engineering.   After her first and second year she took time off to rejoin the collective to parent a child but unfortunately both times the pregnancy did not last go to term and Zh'shravoq returned to Starfleet and focused on finishing her studies. Although she was a decent student her academic work was fairly unremarkable but she was very active in online engineering communities and ended up in close contact with Lt. La Forge serving on the famed USS Enterprise-D. When she was able to figure out a baryionic coil issue that La Forge had been struggling with for weeks he put in a specific request to have her assigned to the Enterprise-D when she graduated. There she was present for some landmark moments in Federation history, including the destruction of the Enterprise-D. She was re-assigned to the USS Enterprise-E as one of Lt. La Forge's favored engineers but in 2373 she put in a request for another ship in order to have room to grow and excel on her own right.   ADDENDUM: In 2377 due to numerous merits and commendations she was promoted and transferred from the USS Nightingale to the USS Senegal as their chief engineer.
Starfleet Academy Class
2369, 50th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Senegal (2377-present) Previous Assignments
USS Enterprise-E (2372-2373)
USS Enterprise-D (2369-2371)
USS Nightingale (2373-2377)
Current Status
Date of Birth
July 27th, 2339
Year of Birth
2339 42 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations