Lt. Cmndr. Blagrath Morrow (Blah-grath Maw-row)

Blagrath Morrow is the Chief Engineer on the USS Nightingale  

Psychological Profile

Tellarites are notoriously difficult to get along with for other species and Morrow takes that to the extreme. Her peers have described her as repugnant, narcissistic and thoroughly unpleasant to deal with. Despite her aptitude towards engineering this has held her back for awhile and it was likely only an extreme situation like half the engineering team being killed in battle that gave Morrow the opportunity to really prove her value to the rest of the team. As she had to rely on the rest of the crew to keep the ship together, they too got to see her shine and this has done a lot to repair the initial poor perception of her place on the Nightingale. It is also helped that she has since become very good friends with Lt. Savrek who is helping improve Morrow's communication and leadership style with the rest of the crew.  

Biographical Overview

Morrow was born on Cestus III, a planet contested between the Federation and the Gorn Hegemony. It was a planet that was still struggling to recover from repeated Gorn raids. By the time she was born the Federation and Gorn inhabitants of the planet had settled on an uneasy truce however the continued tensions and threats played a heavy factor in her upbringing. Her parents wanted her to use her engineering talents to continue to develop and civilize the planet however Morrow rejected that, seeking to travel the stars on board a Federation starship and work with technology that had been developed in the 24th century.   She applied to Starfleet and was accepted. As with most Tellarites she had an aptitude towards engineering although her grades put her in the middle of the her graduating class. It was enough to get her assigned the courier ship USS Bakersfield and there she was able to improve her abilities and demonstrate talent, earning her a promotion and a ship reassignment first to the Marengo and then the Persepolis. In 2072 the USS Persepolis came into conflict with a Gorn ship and was badly damaged. Although severely outgunned Morrow was able to bluff the Gorns into thinking the Persepolis was just faking critical damage and was instead powering up a super weapon to destroy them. The Gorn withdrew allowing the Persepolis to limp back to Federation space for repairs.   This performance led her to be promoted to the USS Nightingale where she was put as the second-in-command for engineering under Chief Bartox. When the USS Nightingale was disabled by the IRW Raknor she took command of the Engineering crews and it was her tireless work that helped get the warp engines online allowing the Nightingale to cross back into Federation space.   Because of her excellence and bravery as well as her experience with the Nightingale's systems she was promoted as the Chief Engineer on the newly refitted Nightingale.   ADDENDUM: in 2377 after receiving several commendations and merits for her service on the Nightingale Morrow was promoted to chief engineer on the Galaxy-class USS Pioneer
Starfleet Academy Class
2368, 50th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Pronkollv Morrow)
Current Assignment
USS Pioneer (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2372-2377)
USS Persepolis (2372-2372)
USS Marengo (2369-2372)
USS Bakersfield (2368-2369)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 17th, 2346
Year of Birth
2347 34 Years old
Cestus III
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations