Lt. Cmndr. Zovaa Zh'zaalal

Zovaa Zh'zaalal served as the Chief Tactical Officer on the USS Oberon.   Zh'zaalal has a long histroy of bouncing up and down in the ranks. She is highly skilled in terms of tactical and security operations quickly warranting promotion however she has incredibly high standards in terms of driling the crews under her command often resulting in injury and reprimands due to the brutal way she ambushes the crew to keep them on their toes.
In 2370 she was assgined to the USS Oberon as Cpt. Lonkunsh appreciated her methods under his mandate of making the Oberon produce some of the best officers and crew in the fleet. Anyone that can survive a year under Zh'zaalal's watch would be more than capable for combat situations.   In 2376 while the Oberon was investigating a poweful subspace signal coming from Seku VI, they were attacked by an Unknown Alien Dreadnaught. Despite being badly outgunned, the Oberon engaged the dreadnaught. Unfortunately the Oberon was hit by an enemy weapon and destroyed. Fighting through numerous injuries, Zh'zaalal assisted Ens. Kosi in dragging Cpt. Lonkunsh into an escape pod, sacrificing her life so that her crew could escape.
Current Status
Killed In Action
Currently Boarded Vehicle
2343 2376 33 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Abaddon
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations