Lt. Jatomec

Jatomec serves as a senior science officer specializing in warp theory on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Jatomec has experienced a long period of melancholy due to the lack of progress on his scientific theory however just last year he became engaged to and married one of his research assistants. Thanks to her influence in Starfleet, Ens. Syraxtil was assigned to the Orpheus and now serves along side Jatomec. He seems outwardly delighted that he can both serve Starfleet and settle down but privately there are concerns that his wife's focus on starting a family might get in the way of his work.  

Biographical Overview

Jatomec was born to parents who lived and worked on the orbital shipyards around Edos. His parents were ship designers specializing in the form and flow of ship hulls. Jatomec showed interest in the engines, however, although he was not very inclined in their building and operation but the theory behind warp travel.
He excelled academically and was easily placed within Starfleet Academy in the Science department. While at the Academy he spearheaded three student projects, one which was taken in by Starfleet R&D to develop into a fine-tuning process for variable angle warp fields. His focus on project work did come as an overall detriment to his grades. He barely passed courses involving combat and leadership but still managed to graduate among the upper half of his class in 2365. Upon graduation he was assigned to the USS Majestic assigned to patrolling the borders of Federation space.   In 2368 while serving as a sensor operator on the Majestic a sensor malfunction caused the ship to fly into the Romulan Neutral Zone. Jatomec was initially blamed however it was later discovered that it was an equipment malfunction and he was cleared of any wrongdoing. Cpt. Oh reported no encounters with the Romulans during this time and it seems this tresspass went unnoticed. During his time he frequently proposed a "warp gate" theory to the Chief Science officer who declined to prioritize it for work on the ship but passed it allong to Starfleet R&D for consideration in future project work.   In 2370 Jatomec was given the chance to put his "Warp Gate Theory" to the test. An old Oberth-class ship, the USS Lomonosov was bought out of storage and Jatomec was put as the Chief Science Officer of the tiny crew to outfit the ship with his Gate Drive. For five years the ship jumped around Federation space and while valuable information was gathered, the view was that at this time technology was not sufficient to make his gate system practical. After five years the project was shelved and Jatomec was re-assigned to assist in other Starfleet projects onboard the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy
2365, 55th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Ens. Syraxtil)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2375-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Lomonosov [NCC-906] (2370-2375)
USS Majestic (2365-2370)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 4th, 2342
Year of Birth
2342 39 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations