Lt. JG Cheran Grott

Cheron Grott serves as a subspace propulsion specialist on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Grotts accidental encounter with some kind of extradimensional force is having a multitude of side effects. Although the most obvious one, his telekinesis, is relatively weak, the counseling services are worried about the whispers he seems to hear at night. A sleep study has shown that these don't appear to be hallucinations as the primary activity is in his auditory cortex. Before the accident he was a skilled if someone distracted engineer. After the incident he has become a highly brilliant and eccentric one. He can seemingly diagnosis engine troubles just by listening to the pitch but he has also been caught wandering around the ship in a fugue state. Ultimately medical has cleared him although he has been flagged for weekly medical and psychological checks. Besides his quirks, he is lively, joyful, and loves to talk to anyone that will listen however he is also having issues receiving instructions and has been disregarding orders for what he feels is higher priority work recently.
NOTE: Grott appears to be working with Lt. Aram on some kind of engineering project.    

Biographical Overview

Grott's parents were both artists although not very notable ones. HIs mother painted while his father composed and neither achieved any widespread popularity resulting in a fairly basic upbringing for Grott. Seeing his parents struggled seemed to make him devote himself towards his academics where he excelled and in 2370 he was accepted into Starfleet Academy as an engineer. He graduated in 2374 and was assigned to the USS Audacious, a Defiant-class ship that saw numerous conflicts in the Dominion War. In 2375 during the final stages of the war, the Audacious responded to an unusual distress call and Grott was hit with an unknown extradimensional particle that has unlocked rudimentary psychic abilities. Currently this seems to be limited to very minor telekinesis. In 2376 he requested a transfer to deep space exploration and was transferred to the USS Orpheus.
Starfleet Academy Class
2374, 77th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Felykye Grott, 1 child)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Audacious [NCC-75714] (2374-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 6th, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Bolarus IX
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations