Lt. Bartolomex Aram (Bar-toll-oh-mex Ay-ram)

Lt. Bartolomex Aram serves as a bridge Engineering officer on the USS Orpheus (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile:

Aram is a delightful addition to any crew. He is enthusiastic, passionate about his work but also very mindful of his crewmembers ensuring that no one gets left behind. He follows orders and can be relied on to raise morale if it ever drops. HIs early career had him floundering in medocre positions but being mentored by Cpt. Eradas has had him develop into a very strong engineering officer. Recently he has been spending a lot of time with Lt. JG Grott and it appears they are developing some kind of engineering project together.   NOTE: Standard audits has shown that Lt. Aram has recently come into a small fortune in latinum. Apparently some family investments have paid off and now he is being accosted by Ferengi financiers looking to help him "invest" his new found wealth.  

Biographical Overview

Aram grew up on a very isolated colony outside of Federation space. His family were survivalists and homesteaders looking to make their own place in the galaxy. Not much is known about them but in 2350 Aram moved back to Deneb to live with distant relatives stating that the colony was struggling to become self-sufficient so non-essential family members were sent back. Aram struggled to fit in among his peers and while he sometimes showed potential, he seemed to not focus very much on his studies and failed to qualify for Starfleet Academy outright. The Academy does have a few slots reserved for public lottery and Aram was lucky enough to be selected and so he entered the Academy along an Engineering track.

He graduated middle of his class and was assigned sevearl years as a junior officer at the Utopia Planatia Shipyards as a design technician. He proved competent enough to be promoted and transferred to Starbase 211 in 23675 There he served as an Assistant to the Chief Engineer and developed a knack for handling the day-to-day maintenance that brilliant engineers often struggle with. As tensions mounted along the Cardassian border Starfleet activated personnel that otherwise would never make ship duty and he was assigned to the USS Majestic in 2367 to assist in patrollinlg the Romulan border. Then in 2370 with The Dominion attacking a Federation ship in the Gamma quadrant another reorganization had him re-assigned to the USS Tereshkova. When conflict erupted in 2373 the Tereshkova was involved in dozens of skirmishes as it defended vulnerable Federation colonies from Cardassian incursions. While the Tereshkova survived the war it had taken an incredible amount of damage and required a full overhaul as soon as hostilies ended. Aram was assigned to Starfleet's reconstruction team to help rebuild infrastructure damaged during the war.   In 2377 he was assigned to the USS Orpheus to take part in its periphery exploration around the Typhon Expanse.  

2377 Update - Captain Eradas

Aram seems to be a late bloomer but better late than never. He saw a lot of combat during the Dominion War and in surviving that cruicble he has become an exemplary engineer. When I worked with him on the Majestic I saw the potential in him and he seems on the path of realizing that. I have reassigned him to the bridge to better mentor and observe him first hand but assuming his new enthusiasm holds I can see him being Chief Enigneer within the next five years.
Starfleet Academy Class
236, 54th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Volasha Aram, 3 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2377-present)
Previous Assignments\
Starfleet Corps of Engineers - Specialized Repair Division (2375-2377)
USS Tereshkova (2370-2375)
USS Majestic (2368-2370)
Starbase 211 (2365-2367)
Starfleet Technical Services - Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards (2360-2365)
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 4th, 2338
Year of Birth
2338 43 Years old
Tagacan III
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations