Lt. JG Dadree Tilos (Day-dree Tee-lose)

Dadree Tilos was a helmsmen/navigator on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Like most Trill, the shared gestalt personality can be difficult to properly profile. The Tilos personality is very well understood. It is a towering intellect who over its many lives has pioneered many advances in both philosophy and science. Going into the body of an explorer and commander like Dadree is an unusual diversion for Tilos who has traditionally been centered around academics and scholarly pursuits. It is a personality confident in its abilities and well equipped with hundreds of years of deep thinking to center itself mentally. The Dadree personality turned out to be one crippled with fear and insecurities. She is wracked with guilt as the whole reason she was selected to be Joined was based upon a lie. When she saved Norjid Tilos from the Romulans she admitted she had no plan or idea of what would happen but was just pushing buttons and happened to stumble upon the solution. The Tilos personality has tried to instill more confidence into her but she still has a deep undercurrent of imposter syndrome that could result in indecisiveness and depression when faced with adversity and failure.   ADDENDUM: Tilos has recently been expressing serious doubts about her ability to handle the pressures of Starfleet. As this is uncharacteristic of the Tilos symbiont the Symbiosis Committee has been notified and are investigating if this might be a preliminary sign of host/symbiont rejection syndrome.  

Biographical Overview

The host Dadree, like many Trill, wanted to become Joined and spent her youth striving to achieve that goal. Unfortunately for her she ended up being only an average student and when she came of age she was discouraged and didn't even bother to submit her application knowing there were thousands of other candidates and she would be quickly rejected. Instead she began working as a simple shuttle pilot and that is when she encountered Norjid Tilos, although at the time she didn't know the man harbored her future symbiont. She was assigned to shuttle him around the quadrant as he was giving a series of lectures at learning institutions across the Federation. While passing by the Neutral Zone a fluke plasma storm sent them adrift into the Neutral Zone without power. They were briefly detected by a passing Romulan patrol but quick thinking by Dadree allowed them to ping a signal off of the passing storm and trick the Romulans into investigating farther away buying them time to repair their impulse engines and cross back safely into Federation space. So impressed by her actions, Norjid Tilos revealed himself and selected Dadree to become his next host as his current host was very old and soon to be gone.   Later that year the request was accepted and Dadree was joined to become Dadree Tilos. Like many joined Trill she enlisted in Starfleet and thanks to the shared memories of several generations of scientists and philosophers she breezed through her curriculum graduating at almost the top of her class and being selected to serve on the USS Nightingale in its mission to explore the Typhon Expanse.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Tilos has demonstrated to be perfectly capable and compentent as a helmswoman, in fact she is likely one of the best conn operators on the ship and yet she seems plagued by self-doubt that undermines her performance. Lt. Sel has made several attempts to try and bolster her confidence but it still seems to be flagging and if it continues could negatively impact her career. I have reached out to the Trill government to see if there is any chance this could be related to her joining and if there are any exercises or medications that might help quiet her doubt.  

2378 Update - Captain Lewis

Per the request of Lt. Sel, Tilos has been re-assigned off of the ship. Given her frequent hesitation and self-doubt she was deemed ill-suited for high-risk deep space exploration.
Starfleet Academy
2377, 99th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
Date of Birth
December 30th, 2350
Year of Birth
2351 30 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations