Lt. Cmdr. Mennoso Sel (Men-no-so Sel)

Mennoso Sel is the executive officer and acting captain on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Sel is gifted and has shown extreme aptitude towards controlling and harnessing his psychic abilities as a Betazoid that has allowed him to succeed in more stressful and violent actions. He has an inherent need to please his superiors, likely owing from his upbringing as an only child to two of the Federation's most gifted diplomats. He is unused to failure and whether or not he was responsible for it this can send him into bouts of depression. Has shown aptitude and desire to command and direct others although sometimes at the expense of fulfilling his own activities.  

Biographical Overview

Sel is the only child of two of the Federations most distinguished diplomats. This has led Sel to have exposure at some of the highest levels of government. Despite his parents naturally pushing him towards the Diplomatic corp, Sel instead chose to enlist in Starfleet Academy. While at the academy he enrolled as a Helmsmen and showed skill at the conn however all of his pursuits were geared towards eventual command. He was originally selected to serve on the USS Enterprise-E his parents compelled Starfleet command to select a more local vessel and he was instead assigned to the USS Oberon. When the USS Nightingale was attacked by the IRW Raknor Sel was part of a rescue team and right before the Nightingale was going to be destroyed, quick thinking by Sel ended up saving the ship and causing the Romulans to retreat.    Later he was part of the away team that disarmed the alien device on Seku VI  and prevent the Romulans from wiping out the settlement down there. As he was planetside he survived the destruction of the Oberon.   Sel was then reassigned to the newly refitted USS Nightingale and selected as its Executive Officer during its mission to explore the Typhon Expanse  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Sel's promotion came very rapidly and this shows in his performance over the past year. While he demonstrates good instincts in terms of diplomacy and crew management he has also shown to become distracted and can lose the ability to assess situations objectively. One strength he has shown almost constantly is heroic needs to put himself into danger to help save his fellow crew and this selfless attitude for risking his live over and over again is to be commended. He is new and inexperienced but he is growing rapidly into this role and based on his current trajectory it seems the promotion suits him.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Due to the complications of losing Cpt. Lewis and the delicate political complexities of the Typhon Expanse when the USS Nightingale required overhaul and repairs the USS Orpheus was retasked to continue exploration functions within the Expanse. While Cpt. Lewis is unvailable, Cpt. Eradas is being reassigned with overseeing the Nightingale's return to service and so Sel as the new first officer on the Orpheus is assuming temporary command. As part of this reassignment and due to his services in securing alliances with both the Xanid Suzerainty and the Starlight Alliance he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander.
Starfleet Academy Class
2376, 75th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale  (2377-2379)
USS Oberon  (2376-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 5th, 2352
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations