Lt. JG Kier Henderson (Keer Hen-der-son)

Kier Henderson serves as a tactical officer on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Henderson is a bit older and more seasoned than his peers due to joining Starfleet about ten years after most other officers did. He seems to be incredibly appreciative of the opportunity within Starfleet and is noted for being humble, thankful and very respectful to his colleagues. Still Henderson is struggling with some complicated personal feelings. Despite being married with a family he has developed strong feelings for Cmn. Qiratt and in counseling has been struggling to come to terms with this. It seems that he married and raised a family at a young age due to pressure from his mother and now is having to come to terms that he made these lifelong commitments before he had figured out what he was really looking for in his life. His obligations are back to his family on Kavis IX however his recent activity points towards a desire to explore the galaxy and experience life beyond the boundaries of a tiny farming community.   Supervisors are advised to continue to check in and help provide guidance to Henderson to figure out what he wants and what steps he needs to take to achieve these desires without impacting his duties to Starfleet.  

Biographical Overview

Henderson was born on Kazis IX, a small colony on the borders of both Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire. Although not a very habitable or resource rich planet, its strategic position meant that Starfleet has an oversized presence on the tiny colony, including a major Starbase that serves as a command hub for the entire region. While Henderson's family was not part of Starfleet they were a major supplier of agriculture products to the local station. His parents were fiercely independent and had settled on Kazis IX to get away from the rest of civilization however Henderson took an early interest in Starfleet and excelled in his academics in order to gain admission to Starfleet Academy.   In 2349 instead of applying to Starfleet he took over operations of his family's farms after his father died in an industrial accident. In 2351 he married Jenna Marker and over the next few years he started raising a family with her as he assumed operations.   In 2359 he applied for Starfleet Academy and given both his primary school scores and a recommendation by several Starfleet personnel stationed around Kazis IX he was accepted where he finally achieved his goal of becoming a Starfleet officer. In 2363 he was assigned to the USS Lisbon as it conducted scientific surveys around the Nyberrite Alliance. During this time Henderson and several other members of the crew were afflicted with a "smart" plague that nearly killed half the crew before a cure could be synthesized. As "Patient Zero" but also demonstrating a resiliance to the pathogen, Henderson was instrumental in the creation of an effective vaccine. In 2368 after his tour on the Lisbon concluded, Henderson transferred to the USS Titov, a Soyuz-Class explorer. This time his exploration mission was cut short due to the Dominion War and he was recalled so the Titov could conduct strategic raids along the Cardassian Border. During this time he was part of Operation Black Forest which ████████████ ████ ████████ █ ██████████ ██████ ███████ ███ ████████ ███████ █████████ ███ █████ ██ ███ ███████ ███████████ ████ ████ ████████ ██ ████████ ███████ ████ ███ █████████ ███ ██████. Despite promising results ultimately Operation Black Forest was shut down and classified. In 2374 with the conclusion of Black Forest, Henderson transferred to the USS Orpheus to go back to continue explorating the galaxy.
Starfleet Academy
2363, 68th percentile Martial Status
Married (Jenna Henderson, 3 children)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2374-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Titov [NCC-1988] (2368-2374)
USS Lisbon [NCC-71173] (2363-2368)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 30th, 2331
Year of Birth
2331 50 Years old
Kazis IX
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations