Lt. JG Lyrion Mestro

Lyrion Mestro serves as a helm officer on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Mestro has a difficult time relating to other organic beings due to the restructuring of his neural pathways while he was assimilated. Although he was only assimilated for a few hours it was long enough to partially re-write his emotional centers. Generally he is cold and robotic however extreme emotional events can trigger an opposite effect where he is overwhelmed with extreme emotions and does not have the coping mechanisms needed to control it. It is believed that his display of overconfidence that led to the ship being severely damaged was one such emotional outburst, this time being overconfidence and/or excitement.

Despite this handicap Mestro has proven to be intelligent, insightful and open and adaptable when adjusuting his behavior to better fit in with his crew. One note of consideration is that he has been described a bit of being a "math bully' when dealing with other crew who are not as fluent in stellar navigation and warp theory equations and he has been reprimanded for being extremely condescending to anyone who has questions about his flightplans.  

Biographical Overview

Mestro was born on Earth to parents that served in Stafleet. When they were stationed on the USS Melbourne. As was common for larger vessels, Mestro lived onboard the ship attending school with other families that lived onboard. Unfortuantely the ship was called in for emergency defense against a Borg Cube at Wolf 359. The USS Melbourne suffered heavy damage and many onboard were assimilated and beamed onboard the cube, Mestro included. When the USS Enterpise-D destroyed the Borg Cube in the Sol system, many Borg drones survived in sections of the cube. With their link to the Collective severed these drones were lost and confused but Starlfeet medical was able to intervene and many of them were able to have their borg implants excised and artificial limbs and organs put into place. Mestro was able to be recovered although his implants required many years of physical and emotional therapy before he was able to re-integrate with Federation society. With special allowances he was allowed to complete his primary education and was accepted into Starfleet Academy in 2369.   Upon graudation he was placed on the USS Orpheus where his borg implants gave him exceptional hand-eye coordination allowing for some very effective shuttle flying and navigation during the Dominion War. He was quickly promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and fast-tracked for taking the helm of the Orphues. In 2377 however the ship encountered some Ferengi smugglers navigationg in and out of the Typhon Expanse. Mestro assured Cpt. Eradas that he could perfectly follow the Ferengi flightplan and route a map through the Hellmaw Nebula. Unfortunately the Ferengi were able to trick him into following them into a trap and the ship was severely damaged and stranded for days before repairs could be made and it could limp back to Federation space. Since then he has been pulled from primary navigation and now operates as a backup for the Chief Helm Officer.
Starfleet Academy
2373, 74th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2373-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 27th, 2347
Year of Birth
2347 34 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations