Lt. JG Nagai Takara (Nah-guy Tah-kah-rah)

Nagai Takara is the Master-At-Arms serving on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Takara is an incredibly driven individual and her focus and dedication to tactics and security have caused some of her trainers at the academy to voice concerns. While she has never done anything that officially crossed the line there is a consistent pattern of ruthless aggression that has surrounded her performance at Starfleet.  This includes a higher percentage of training partners being referred to the armory, consistent aggressive tactics and disregard for de-escalation options during simulators and a dismissive attitude towards her peers when they opt for a more peaceful or non-confrontational strategy. It is believed that the loss of her family during the opening stage of the Dominion War has triggered an oversized need for violence and control that influences her decisions towards violence and conflict. It could be that in her mind if the Federation had taken a more aggressive stance towards the Dominion War then the Dominion might not have been so eager to invade and thus her family would still be alive. As reality isn't that simple and Federation policy is that violence should be avoided this seems to put her on a path of friction and conflict. If she can temper her attitude then she will prove to be an excellent tactical officer. If she cannot whet her thirst for vengeance she will likely end on a path of being discharged from Starfleet due to violating the peaceful and exploratory mandate.   NOTE: Ever since her parents died Takara has adopted a severely reduced sleep schedule routine. She only sleeps 2-3 hours a day (broken into 30 minute power naps) and as long as she is allowed to stick to this schedule she can stay awake for 21+ hours a day without impairment of her abilities. This makes her an excellent candidate for night shifts.  

Biographical Overview

  Takara was born in a rural province of Japan where he family lived a traditional, low-tech existence.  While they were not part of any religious or cultural sects that rejected technology, their commune followed a philosophy of getting in touch with the land by not being overly reliant on modern technology. Takara proved to be an excellent student and went through modern Federation education however when she left school she went back to working farmlands with primitive tools.       In 2372 right before Takara was due to graduate her family booked passage offworld to travel to the Bajor sector to receive shipment of a new batch of crop seeds. It was the first time anyone in her commune had left Earth's surface for a generation and unfortunately their transport was in the wrong place at the wrong  time when the Dominion invaded. Their transport was caught in the crossfire and her parents and younger sister died before they could be rescued and Takara survived in critical condition. As soon as she recovered she tested to complete her primary schooling and applied to Starfleet Academy as a tactical officer. Due to her exceptional scores she was accepted and she graduated with high marks. She was offered several positions on other starships but she applied for an exception to wait to get assigned to a front-line ship.   In 2377 she was accepted as a junior tactical officer on the USS Nightingale.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

When the USS Nightingale was recalled for repairs, Takara applied for a transfer to become the USS Orpheus' new Master-At-Arms. Lt. Cmdr. Colt confirmed and approved of the transfer and Takara was re-assigned.
Starfleet Academy
2377, 93rd percentile
Martial Status
Single Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 28th, 2355
Year of Birth
2355 26 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations