Lt. JG Neutron Maka (New-tron Mah-kah)

Neutron Maka is an engineering officer serving on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

It would be easy to assume that one as driven as Maka, born to overachieving parents and seemingly pushed to excel in all areas of life would have issues socializing but it seems that making friends and engaging healthy relationships with her peers is just as easy as quantum physics or fencing or the cello is for her. She has shown incredible aptitude for engineering, leadership, and has a strong sense of community. She has recently developed a strong sense of tradition and applied for a religious/cultural exemption to Starfleet uniform in order to display items honoring her Sioux heritage.   MEDICAL ADDENDUM: Maka suffers from a rare neurological degenerative disorder that causes severe vision loss. Without the aid of a small cortical implant she is almost completely blind. The implant is not well accepted by her biology and requires frequent maintenance and a specific drug regimine to prevent host rejection syndrome (HRS). See Medical Appendix 12-C for the required inventory of medical supplies needed for her tour of duty.  

Biographical Overview

Maka is the daughter of the Federation-wide top physics researchers: Dr. and Dr. Maka. The Makas were critical to recent advances in holograms, replicators, warp theory and dozens of other technological advances that have pushed all of Federation technology further. Maka excelled as a student being the top of class for her entire 14-year education (she was skipped ahead 2 grades). In addition Maka showed tremendous involvement in her community being both a leader or president of several extracurricular activities as well as starting up a community refugee drive for her school during the Dominion War.   She entered Starfleet Academy in engineering with the full support of her parents and continued to excel. She again was not only the top of her class all four years at the academy but was also an officer in the Academy's drama club, debate club, and she is noted as continuing to organize more Dominion War refugee drives to support war orphans.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

When Lt. Ridley was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus she insisted that Maka be re-assigned to because Maka was "her homie". Lt. Ridley insisted that this message was put into her profile.
Starfleet Academy
2377, Top of Class
Martial Status
Single Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 23rd, 2357
Year of Birth
2357 24 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations