Lt. Skye Ridley

Skye Ridley is the Chief Engineer on board the USS Orpheus.   [h2Psychological Profile Ridley does not fit into the normal mold for a Starfleet engineer. She is sarcastic, reckless and sometimes even seemingly inattentive and careless. Her professors initially marked her for removal until her examinations showed her excelling far above the standard curve. It is the professional opinion of the Starfleet Psyche Department that she is not careless but instead enjoys making her peers feel uncomfortable by creating and acting in this unusual persona. While this theory has not been tested yet her grades support this theory as it is highly unlikely any student could be that consistently lucky. If she is portraying herself as being less capable than she really is, this is likely either stemming from a deep seated fear of failure. If she acts like she is bad at her job and acts like she doesn't care about it then if things do go wrong she can excuse it by leaning into the illusion that she was never really trying in the first place. A combination of experience and mentorship should correct these behaviors and allow her to demonstrate her true intelligence and competency.   ADDENDUM: In the time since the attack and the subsequent refit it seems that Ridley and Lt. Thanum may have become romantically involved. As they are of similar rank and different departments there is no further consideration needed.   ADDENDUM: At some point in the future Ridley and Thanum conceived a child and somehow Ridley went back in time and has passed off the child to the parents in this current timeline before dying of her wounds. The child was assessed and seems fine and while there was some initial hesitation, both Ridley and Thanum have agreed to raise the child on the Nightingale together rather than put it up for adoption.  

Biographical Overview

Ridley was born to hydroponics operators on the Luna One Colony. Her childhood seemed happy enough and she entered Starfleet on the lower end of acceptance criteria. Once at Starfleet however she seemed to come into her own and both excelled in her engineering studies as well as engaging in an active social life. While her records not several minor infractions her grades continued to improve through her time at Starfleet and she graduated with honors albeit a year late as she took a gap year in 2076 as her parents died in a tragic depressurization accident resulting in her having to take care of the family affairs and her younger brother until he was of age. It was during this time that she was forced to miss the examinations for Lieutenant so despite her high grades she graduated as only an Ensign.   Upon graduation she was personally selected by Cpt. Lewis to help rebuild the decimated Engineering department on the USS Nightingale.   ADDENDUM: In 2377 due to exemplary service she  was promoted to Lt. JG and elevated to Chief Engineer on the Nightingale.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

The Engineering department on the Nightingale had suffered tremendous losses during the attack by the IRW Raknor and it has been a struggle to rebuild a cohesive department given the large influx of new crew from all across Starfleet. While Lt. Cmndr. Morrow did a commendable job keeping the ship running it seems that Ridley was the kind of leader needed to truly rebuild it. Many of the crew that had previously been traumatized by losing so many of their fellows are smiling and laughing again. In addition her technical competency is very high and overall the ship has been running nearly as good as when it launched from the shipyards.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

In recognition of her numerous acts of bravery and ability to keep the USS Nightingale operational far away from Federation supply chains, Ridley has been promoted to Lieutenant. In addition with the Nightingale being sent back to drydock for repairs, she has been selected as part of the leadership to take temporary command of the USS Orpheus in order to continue their mission and mount a rescue operation to recover Cpt. Lewis.
Starfleet Academy Class
2377, 90th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
August 12th, 2350
Year of Birth
2350 31 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations