Onjald Nilka

Onjald Nilka was the mistress of Jaro Essa.   Onjald was born into an impoverished mining colony from Heraklion, a rural district on Bajor specializing in resource extraction. The Cardassian Union opened up numerous forced labor camps and many prisoners were relocated to the area during their occupation. In 2369 the Cardassians left Bajor but Heraklion continued to struggle economically as many of the miners had their properties siezed or destroyed during the occupation and due to their remote and rural status they were often last in line for aid and recovery operations. In 2372 the Lamerck Mining Corporation opened up operations in the area exchanging economic aid for control of the mines.   In 2376 Jaro Essa visited the Heraklion and shortly afterwards extended an invitation to Onjald to join his retinue as a personal secretary. Rumors almost immediately began to circulate that Onjald had been taken in as his mistress as she also broke off her engagment with Eetha Domm around the same time. Three months later during a visit to Deep Space 9, Jaro and Onjald got into a fight and security footage showed Onjald leaving the Lamerck suite with a bruised and injured face. Later that night Jaro was murdered and Onjald was considered a suspect until it was determined that Krate Xordea was the culprit. Shortly afterwards Onjald departed Deep Space 9 accompanied by Eetha and in 2377 the two were married and set up back in Heraklion.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old