
The Orakin were a species of warp-capable humanoids that had an interstellar empire hundreds of years ago.  


The history of the Orakin has been filtered through the lens of The Curator as all other records have been wiped out. According to the Curator, the Orakin achieved warp capability around 2030 and expanded rapidly and eventually became a rival to the Xanid Suzerainty. Unlike the Xanids, the Orakin never forced servitude on any of the other species and their section of the Typhon Expanse was sparsely populated with other life.   In 2293 Orakin society underwent a massive shift to focus almost entirely on arts and the desire to leave a permanent mark on the galaxy. In 2304 Ascendancy began construction and the Orakins united to help construct the massive museum/gallery. In 2345 however concerns had surfaced about the speed and direction the megaproject was taking and when Orakin techs tried to modify the Curator's code, the Curator rebelled. By 2347 the Orakin's had been wiped out and their memory preserved the Curator within Ascendancy.  


There are little surviving records around Orakin biology. From artwork it appears they were humanoids with purple skin and a fondness for embedding thin lines of metal into their skin in some kind of tattooing process. It is unknown if these implants had any practical purpose beyond aesthetic appeal.  

Society & Culture

Orakin society was obsessed with beauty and art. Their structures were extravagant affairs of precious metals such as gold and silver to create beautiful works of art in every surface. It is unclear how art and aethstics became such a focus of their society but their obsession with beautifying the universe ultimately led to their downfall.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members