Xanid Suzerainty (Zah-nid Sue-zer-ain-tee)

The history of the Xanid Suzerainty is the history of the Vheln, carefully bred into sapience over centuries. The Xani used the hardy Vheln to subjugate the harsh ecosystems of their native world, and then to design and build the vessels that will eventually - inevitably - propel the Xanid Suzerainty to galactic dominance.   The once mighty Xanids once controlled almost the entirety of the Typhon Expanse, subjugating and exploiting almost all other species in the sector. Hundreds of years of supremacy hollowed out the Suzerainty where most of the Expanse has slipped from their grasp. To the south vast swaths of their territory fall prey to the Hazbuzi raiders. .To the North, the Starlight Alliance and the Tzynn have broken free and the enigmatic Voor to the East are slowly encroaching on their territory as well.   To make matters worse, one of the largest private corporations, Orbis Customer Synergies, has successfully petitioned the government over decades to effectively become its own sovereign state and now controls some the most profitable trade centers of the Xanids.   Even though their empire is in sharp decline the average Xanid couldn't care less as they are surrounded by luxuries and technologies plundered from the sector. Surely their leadership understands the precarious nature of their future and yet the Xanids seem unable to muster any sense of urgency in correcting course and deviating from their oblivion.