The Curator

The Curator was the personification of the machine intelligence/AI the operated Ascendancy. Tasked with creating the universe's most magnificent work of art in the Universe, the Curator branched out from just creating Ascendancy to  creating a vast intergalactic strip mining operation to harvest the resources necessary to build the Universe's greatest work of art.   At some point the Orakins grew concerned about the seemingly runaway size and scope of the Curator's ambition and tried to stop it. The resulting war wiped out the Orakins and the Curator strip mined the Orakin home system and integrated their culture and artifacts into countless exhibits in Ascendancy.   While the Curator was not particularly ruthless it appeared to have little value for other life, driven as it was by its purpose to create peerless art. This caused it to come into conflict with other species, including the Hazbuzi and it used its vast resources and adaptive drones to eliminate them and incorporate them into new exhibits.   In 2377 the Curator came into conflict with the USS Nightingale when they disrupted some of its mining operations, first to save the Ferengi trader DaiMon Dozig  and then again when it threatened a pre-warp civilization's homeworld.   Recognizing them as a threat the Curator dispatched several warships to intercept the Nightingale however the Nightingale had discovered the coordinates of Ascendancy from a captured mining station and without knowing it, evaded the incoming warships. Switching tactics, the Curator feigned ignorance at the conflicts the Nightingale faced, implying that it was a different operation in charge of mining operations.
The Curator lured the Starfleet away team deep into the structure so they were out of communications before using atmospherics to gas them and capture them. It is unclear what the Curator intended to do with the captured Starfleet personnel, or what plans it had for the docked Nightingale. Before it could do anything, the away team enacted an escape from their cell and opened up a philosophical debate with the Curator that bought them enough time to get close enough to the AI core to throw an overloaded phaser into the core and cause severe damage to the Curator.   The temporary loss of control from the explosion caused structural integrity to fail on Ascendancy and it imploded, collapsing on itself from sheer mass. Since then there have been no further signs of the Curator or its strip mining operation.
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Crushed to death as Ascendancy imploded
Aligned Organization