Po. Ithramiass "Tilly" Zh'tillal (Till-ee)

Ithramiass "Tilly" Zh'tillal is a transporter operator on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Zh'tillal's evaluation shows that she puts an extreme amount of importance on loyalty and honest in others, even holding them to higher standards than she holds herself to. Although her academic career was sub-par since joining Starfleet she has excelled in her assignments and has demonstrated leadership potential and has been flagged for possible promotion to a junior officer position. She is open, honest, and is especially careful in social situations being someone who takes diversity of backgrounds and species very seriously and steers conversations accordingly. One possible trait that might hold her back is she can be somewhat rigid if she thinks she knows the right course of action and that isn't being followed. Her code of ethics is incredibly strong and it has been almost impossible for even superior officers to get her to betray that code, even for the greater good.   ADDENDUM: In the time since the attack and the subsequent refit it seems that Zh'tillal and Lt. N'Vol may have become romantically involved. As they are of similar rank and different departments there is no further consideration needed.  

Biographical Overview

  Zh'tillal was born to a collective of Andorians on Andoria and was raised within a group of researchers who specialized in genetics. She was pushed into the sciences but found stronger aptitude in engineering and operations and while there are some early indicators of conflicts with her parents over this ultimately they accepted her transition into operations.   She did not have the academic standings necessary to qualify for Starfleet Academy and instead enlisted as an operations crew. She was initially assigned to the USS Proxima and was rapidly redeployed to the Kennedy and Arizona due to strategic redeployment of armed personnel. She was onboard the USS Calypso when the Dominion War broke out in 2374 when the Calpyso was boarded by Jem'Hadar troopers she was one of the few crew members to evade detection and by navigating through the ship via Jefferies tubes. Through a series of creative sabotage and ambushes she was able to free the captured crew and together retake the ship. This effort earned her both a medal of valor and a promotion to Petty Officer.   In 2375 as part of this promotion she was transferred to the USS Nightingale as a transporter operator.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Zh'tillal and Lt. N'Vol have continued their relationshp for over a year. It is only worth noting because Lt. Sel has reprimanded them over their public displays of affection going so far as to re-assign Lt. N'Vol as punishment. It seems that the matter has been resolved as Lt. Sel has reassigned Lt. N'Vol back to his original assignment.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
Single, 2 offspring
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Calypso (2370-2375)
USS Arizona (2370-2370)
USS Kennedy (2369-2370)
USS Proxima (2368-2369)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 10th, 2348
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations