Po. Keenzaar (Keen-zarr)

Keenzaar is the team lead for Security Team #1 (aka the Dogs of War) on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Typical of Gorn, Keenzaar is aggressive and determined compared to his peers. He is quick to resort to violence in order to resolve a situation, especially if he feels his fellow team members' lives are at stake. While this aggressive "shoot first and ask questions later" mentality served him well during the war, his transition back to peace-time operations has proven to be difficult. Since returning from the war Keenzaar has displayed tremendous leadership potential and is marked for possible promotion into a non-enlisted officer position, a rarity for the Gorn in Starfleet. What Keenzaar needs is a superior officer who can mentor him on using tact and guile to solve conflicts just as much if not more than brute force and phaser fire.  

Biographical Overview

Keenzaar was hatched on the planet Cestus III which was planet previously contested between the Federation and the Gorn Hegemony. While the Federation has retained control of it for the past hundred years there is a small but significant population of Gorn that has assimilated into the Federation. While it is rare for the Gorn to enlist within Starfleet, Keenzaar is a third generation Starfleet security NCO. While the Gorn struggle with the structure of Starfleet Academy they are viewed as valuable additions to security forces across the Federation.   As typical for Gorn recruits, Keenzaar spent several years stationed on Cestus III to ensure that he was able to conform to Starfleet protocols. Once he demonstrated compatibility with Starfleet he was assigned to USS Sao Paulo where he helped break up Orion Syndicate pirate bases as part of operations to secure the Beta Quadrant.   When the Dominion War broke out Keenzaar was rebased to Deep Space 9 and surrounding areas as part of Federation ground forces. He worked alongside Klingon and Romulan troops fighting against the Jem'Hadar of the Dominion. Keenzaar was present at many front lines due in part to his species enhanced regeneration and resiliency allowing him to quickly recover from action and be redeployed.   Upon the conclusion of the Dominion War, Keenzaar was reassigned back to starship security being stationed on the USS Nightingale as a security team leader due to his extensive combat experience.   ADDENDUM: During his shore leave in 2075 Keenzaar signed up for a Ferengi Fight League open tournament where he took second place, losing to Lt. Thanum in the final round.   ADDENDUM: In 2377 Keenzaar was eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the cargo hold of the Nightingale. This does not seem to have had any long term effects on him but is notable enough to add to his crew file.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2376-present)
Previous Assignments
Deep Space 9 (2372-2376)
USS Sao Paulo(2368-2371) Cestus III (2366-2368)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
March 12th, 2340
Year of Birth
2340 41 Years old
Cestus III
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations