Starlight Alliance

The Starlight Alliance was formed in the wake of a tumultuous period of history that threatened to tear apart the fabric of the galaxy. In the early years of the 22nd century, the Xanid Suzerainty ruled over a vast swath of space that encompassed numerous star systems and countless sentient species. The Xanids were a cruel and ruthless regime, enslaving or subjugating any species that dared to oppose them.   For centuries many species including the Djomar, Kel-Azaan, Scyldari and Yondar endured the yoke of Xanid domination, their cultures and traditions suppressed by their overloards. When the Xanids began their decline into apathy and hedonism the oppressed races saw an opportunity to rise up and reclaim their freedom.   It was the Djomar who first began to resist the Xanids. They protested against the abuses peacefully and the Xanids slaughtered the Djomar by the millions and yet they continued to resist, spreading the word to the other races that their time of servitude was at an end. The Scyldari saw this and began conducting labor strikes of their own halting shipments of valuable food and material into Xanid causing massive supply shortages and disruptions.   The Kel-Azaan were brought in by the Xanids to quell these protests however the Kel-Azaan developed great respect for the Djomar and Scyldari and the message of hope and freedom spread through the Kel-Azaan military like wildfire. The Xanids found their own fleets turned against them as the Kel-Azaan soldiers mutinied and took over ship after ship and suddenly the burgeoning alliance had become one of the largest military powers in the sector.   What remained of the Xanid navy was sent after the newly dubbed Starlight Alliance and for nearly a hundred years the two sides fought with the Xanids finding their slave labor turning against them. Eventually in 2321 a cease fire was declared and while the Xanids have never officially withdrawn their claims to Starlight territory, all methods of Xanid power were dismantled and destroyed within Starlight space.   In 2357 a new threat emerged that threatened the Starlight while they were still repairing and rebuilding. The Tzynn Star Empire, another former servant of the Xanids, declared that they were the new sovereigns of the sector and the former slaves to the Xanids now belonged to them. They waged outright war against the Starlight Alliance and conquered many other independent factions. In 2360 the Yondar joined the Alliance just as the Tzynn were at their doorstep.   For 20 years the Tzynn have sought to conquer Alliance space and the seemingly endless legions of the Tzynn continually push back the front line. Now in 2377 both the Yondar and Kel-Azaan homeworlds are being threatened and with them likely the complete collapse of what remains of the Starlight Alliance.    

Djomari Allied States

After their freedom from the Xanids the Djomar formed a government that was based around direct local rule. Instead of a interstellar or even planetary government instead each local region rules itself autonomously and elaborate diplomatic rituals are used to coordinate large endeavors. For matters of diplomatic relations the elected official Prim Minister Tazagull helps coordinate the Allied States with other foreign governments.  

Scyldari Confederacy

After being freed from the Xandi the Scyldari broke into a loose confederacy of planets. As the agriculture and industrial base for the Xanids they had been forcefully colonized across the sector and the Scyldari make up nearly 53% of the population of the Starlight Alliance. The Scyldari were deeply scarred by their enslavement to the Xandi and have a deep aversion to any kind of strong central government so each member is given almost complete autonomy. When dealing with the Starlight Alliance each colony handles their own trades and contracting and while this greatly diminishes the Scyldari influence within the Alliance due to their dispersed centers of power they seem to accept that as the price necessary for extreme autonomy.  

Kel-Azaan Republic

Formerly used as the military of the Xanids, the Kel-Azaan formed a military republic that closely parallels their armed services to the point where it is an expectation that every political leader has also served in the military in some capacity. Even participation in the democratic process requires military service. Because of the strong mentality of valuing the needs of the many their government works fairly efficiently although their economy is built around a total war philosophy. Almost every local industry is in support of the war effort against the Tzynn with industrial and commercial services filled out by those Kel-Azaan incapable of serving on the front lines. Their whole lifestyle is highly specialized towards war and they are heavily reliant on other nations like the Scyldari for basic food and supplies.  

The Kingdom of Yondarim

Yondar society has always revolved around its Queen. Risen to divine status by her people it was control and manipulation of the Queens of Yondar that allowed the Xanids to control the otherwise hostile and xenophobic Yondar. When the Xanid's grip on the Queen relaxed, Yondar broke away and declared its independence, closing its borders and isolating itself from the rest of the galaxy. This lasted up until the Tzynn conquered their stellar neighbors and Queen Yalnara lifted the order of isolation to join forces with the Starlight Alliance for mutual protection. While they do not bring military or industrial might, their fanatically loyal agents had been inserted almost everywhere in the galaxy creating an extensive intelligence apperatus that could also support assassinations and terrorist activities. Although the rest of the Starlight Alliance would be lothe to admit it, the acts of terror and violence that Yondar agents have been able to enact on the Tzynn after they move in to control a planet has diverted considerable amount of resources and attention from the frontlines of the war.   The full title for Queen Yalnara is as follows: Her Divine Majesty, the High Priestess of the Sacred Order, the Supreme Commander of the Glorious Armies, the Radiant Sun of the Celestial Kingdom, the Unbreakable Shield of the Faithful, the Protector of the Holy Relics, the Keeper of the Secret Knowledge, the Mother of the People, the Light of the Universe, the Eternal Ruler of the Kingdom of Yondar.