
Sterth-A was a planet discovered by the USS Nightingale in 2377 during its exploration of the Typhon Expanse.   The species native to Sterth-A achieved warp capability around 1304 and quickly discovered that their orbital neighbor, Sterth-B was also populated by a sentient species, albeit one that was pre-warp. The Sterth-A species decided to share their technology and uplift the species on Sterth-B and for hundreds of years this created a utopia for both planets. In 1645 however a group of radicals from Sterth-B declared that Sterth-A was acting as an oppressive government and seized the technology on Sterth-B creating a cold war for both species. Diplomacy eventually broke down and both planets used planetary tractor beams to smash orbital debris on the other creating an extinction event on both planets.   When the USS Nightingale entered orbit, a few planetary defense systems activated threatening the ship however targeted torpedo shots destroyed the power source disabled the defenses.