
Sterth-B was a planet discovered by the USS Nightingale in 2377 during its exploration of the Typhon Expanse.   The species native to Sterth-B were quite physically strong and had an aggressive nature due to their ancestors being apex predators in the planet's ecosystem. In 1304 they were contacted the species native to Sterth-A that had unlocked interplanetary flight. The species of Sterth-A promised those on Sterth-B enligthenment and technology but in practice the species of Sterth-B was regulated to manual labor and while they were taught how to use the technology they were never allowed to engineer their own or taught the underlying science to truly understand it.   After hundreds of years of being regulated as second class citizens (in their eyes), a rebel faction on Sterth-B started seizing Sterth-A technology and reverse-engineering it. By 1645 they had removed Sterth-A's control of Sterth-B but the two planets became locked into a cold war that eventually turned hot and both planets used giant planetary tractor beams to crash debris onto the other planet, wiping out both civilizations.   When the USS Nightingale entered orbit, a few planetary defense systems activated threatening the ship however targeted torpedo shots destroyed the power source disabled the defenses. Sterth-B is not a dead planet and among the ruins the Starfleet away team encountered a kind of dog-analog pack animal that hunted and attacked the away team.