Uh. Jokrax (Joe-cracks)

Jokrax is an Uhlan formerly serving as a bodyguard to Cmdr. Mheven on board the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

This psychological profile is incomplete. The Romulan Star Empire does not conduct mental screenings of their Reman soldiers and when brought in for an initial assessment Jokrax refused to answer any questions. It is the Federation Psychological Evaluation team's recommendation that an unscreened candidate not be stationed on board a starship however this recommendation was overruled.  

Biographical Overview

Born in the mines of ███████ ███████, Xiosrix had an upbringing typical of other Remans. He labored in the mines until ████ when he was selected for combat training at ███████ ██████. His performance qualified him for the █████ ████████ ███████ where he was then assigned to ██████ the ██████ ██████. He saw combat duty in █████ and ████████ where he █████████ the █████████ of other ██████ █████████. His eye was █████ and could not be saved so but due to his skills he was flagged for cybernetic enhancement. An █████████ ███████ █████████ was installed granting visual acuity of ███████ and an improvement of ███% to his marksmanship.   When the Typhon Expanse expedition was formed he was selected as one of two ███████ ███████ to join the Federation and explore the new area of space.   In 2377 evidence suggested that Jokrax may have killed a Starfleet officer in self defense (see ███ ██████). It was due to this  consideration that he was removed as a guest onboard the Nightingale.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old