Prince Servan Zaduuk

"Prince" Servan Zaduuk has adopted the moniker of "The Party Prince" and has made a career out of organizing epic parties among the Xanid. He seems to have an endless supply of illicit narcotics and is known to mix drugs in reckless and dangerous amounts creating entirely new and original highs and experiences which are in high demand among the Xanids.   In 2378 Zaduuk was brought onto the USS Nightingale as Starfleet thought his moniker meant he had influence among the aristocracy of the Xanid Suzerainty. Instead during an excursion in a shuttle to explore a nearby nebula, the Prince was accidentally transported to the Mirror Universe where they had an encounter with the Terran Empire flagship I.S.S. Warhawk.   It appears that Zaduuk was stoned out of his mind for the entire process and seems to only vaguely recall the danger that he was in before being rescued and returned to his proper universe.
Current Status
Aligned Organization
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