Farafsha Towers

The Farafsha Towers are a series of 29 massive residential towers encircling the Johone Lapra tree. They are all connected by skyways, creating a complete circuit that one could use to fully circle Johone. It's home to thousands of people, but many of the buildings also function as hotels for guests to Varachir, making it one of the most popular living space for tourists in the city.

Purpose / Function

Eighteen of the towers are solely residential, home to thousands of people, predominantly lupari. The other eleven towers, all along the north, north-east side of the complex, are hotels for temporary housing of tourits, business guests, and otherwise short term visitors to Varachir. Apartments and rooms vary in their degree of luxury, allowing for any person to find a space in it.   The bottoms of the towers are all shopping centers, allowing revenue generated from people off the streets, as well as the tower residents. Cafes, bakeries, clothing stores, spas, and so on may be found from tower to tower.


All of the towers are 60 stories high, making them come up about a third of Johone, high enough for the low branches to nearly reach the windows for the top dozen or so floors. The skyways between them are predominantly made of glass, allowing impressive views of Johone all the way around and its park below.   The towers are all capped with public gardens, where any resident may plant what they wish and subsequently care for it. The hotel towers have these gardens as well, and are also maintained by residents from the other towers, as well as guests if they choose to. They employ gardeners, while residential maintenance is voluntary, often done as a way to encourage a pleasant atmosphere for guests.


The towers are relatively new, having been under construction by the time humanity joined the Union. Construction ended up prolonged as the towers were partly reconstructed to provide a suitable living space for humans. The last tower was finally finished six terran years after humans began Integration.
Alternative Names
Johone Complex/Towers
Arcology / Residential Complex
Parent Location


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