Saralaika Varachir Transit Port

Purpose / Function

The SVTP functions primarily as a transit port for people going into space, or arriving at Varashir. It also flies people out to various parts of the planet. It's primarily where people get transportation into larger passenger ships in space, but it maintains a small fleet of interstellar ships on the ground for those that need rapid transport without a layover time.   It may ship small cargo along with passengers, but the port is not equipped for transporting large amounts of material into space. Private cargo shuttles may use the port, but larger cargo vessels are not permitted to land and interfere with traffic.


As a low building with a large footprint, the terminal building features lapra wooden architecture in its construction, primarily in its arches supporting the roof, giving it its angular look. The exterior holds to modern design with its concrete and metal plating, but the interior keeps to traditional lupari Lapra design by paneling most of the inside with the wood. Metal and concrete constructs, where Lapra would be inadequate, are usually paneled or encased in the dark and polished wood.


The spaceport was constructed shortly after the lupari joined the UTO as a way to handle the expected nonlupari traffic that the lupari were eager to recieve. Its earliest days were not as successful as the lupari might have hoped, but today it's the busiest transit station on the planet for recieving nonlupari traffic.   Two centuries ago the terminal and landing stations were completely submerged in water when the Soara river overflowed its levees in a freak storm. Natural disasters rarely affect nonhumans as much as humans, making 'the great brother's flood' a significant part of the port's, and parts of Varachir itself, history. The buildings show no damage from the flood, but plaques, photos, and other information can be found throughout the terminal.
Alternative Names
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