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The watchful sentinel of Yenithmyr

Home of Mercenaries

Farpoint is a state sanctioned mercenary outpost overlooking the wild region of Yenithmyr. It was founded in the year 301 PSE by Minerva Strix, as part of a state mandated effort to better secure the region. Due to a smaller military at the time, the Myreglynian government opted to allow Minerva to set up a mercenary led outpost to watch over the region. Minerva had been working succesfully as a respected merc for many years, and was able to bring together people that she trusted to help start the outpost. The respect that Minerva had garnered from those she had worked for, as well as her peers, meant that Farpoint grew and became a viable way to monitor and safeguard Yenithmyr fairly quickly.   The outpost was constructed at the top of a cliff overlooking Yenithmyr as an obviously ideal location to monitor the region, with the flanking rock faces helping with defense. Initial governmental assistance was provided to help get the outpost of the ground, but the mercanary work quickly picked up, and the commissions taken by Minerva were put back into the settlement to help it grow. A tree was added in the centre of town early on, initially as an architechtural choice, but was later dubbed 'The Sentinel Tree'. This tree became a good luck symbol for many mercenaries, making them feel as if they were being watched over as they themselves watch over Yenithmyr.  

Farpoint hall

This main hall was one of the first major pieces of construction completed for Farpoint. It serves as a mission centre as well as a bar/inn, each of which occupies one of the two cyclindrical sections at either end of the building. This building is the hub of Farpoint, being the point of contact for mercenaries looking for work, looking for companions, or look to rest and relax after a job. The hall now currently features a statue of Minerva in front, honouring not only her role has founder of Farpoint, but her sacrifice in defending it.  


The outpost's in house weapons and armour forge. The forge provides the edge markets with most of its wares, and also works on custom pieces for those with the coin to afford it. The Dayforge, while considered to be a little out of the way, has become a renowned forge all over Myreglyne, and even a little beyond. As the blades and armor that are forged here are put to immediate use, Dayforge gear has become known for its truly battle tested reliability and quality. There has always been a steady stream of young blacksmiths looking to work under the tutelage of the Cheif Forgesmiths over the years (currently Greel Iron Tusk), ensuring that the legacy of the forge will continue long into the future. The forge also feature a statue dedicated to Mrulf the Hardy outside, a Dwarf warrior renowned for his axe skills and close relationship with the forge owners. He made is retirement 30 years ago.  

Range of Arestes

– Training area named in honour of a mercenary archer Arestes. Arestes was an honorable woman and great Ranger who was particularly devout to Artemoor. Was slain during the siege of Roothaven 20 years ago.  


– Civilian ran, mostly for potions, non-combat wares and a stable.  

Edge Markets

– Where mercs get their gear  

Civilian outreach

– Where civilians can petition and hire mercs to help with whatever they need. Statue of Oerbas the Wall outside. Led a great defense of civilian caravan 45 years ago.
Farpoint Base Map Image
Founding Date
301 PSE
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization

The Karraghan Gambit

In the year 379 PSE, the Goblins of Woodmaw launched a massive offensive against the mercanaries and civilians of Yenithmyr. It was a multi-pronged attack that threatened the safety of Roothaven, Pioneer's Stride and The Shrine to Diprovius, as well as Farpoint itself. Minerva acted quickly, mobilising every mercenary available in a precisely coordinated counter-offensive. Her daughter Melinda handled the defense of Farpoint and Roothaven, while Minerva herself ventured out to the Shrine and Pioneer's Stride.   Minerva saw that the best way to defeat the Goblin threat was to destabilise their fragile command structure, so she led a strike team to assassinate the Goblin leader Bill Karraghan. Things unfortunately went awry, and Minerva was separated from her team, however she single handedly pushed through 2 entire battalions of Goblins to eventually kill Bill. She was overwhelmed shortly afterwards and tragically lost her life, however her actions permanently fragmented the Goblin alliance, making a great leap in providing safety to the region.


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