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Episode 1 - The Battle of Farpoint

A new adventure begins!

The adventure begins with the half-orc Cleric Nekrid (a follower of Los) arriving at Farpoint looking for mercenaries to help him get to God's Peak. He meets with the head of administration Berkle Tumptree, a round, bubbly Satyr who catches the eye of another wandering adventurer: Lyra. This young half-elf rogue is eager to offer her services to Nekrid, with Berkle greatly enjoying her enthusiasm. At this point a wizard who appears to be a man made of vegetables spots the group talking about potential work, then interjects and introduces himself as Arcim Boldo. He also offers his services to Nekrid. Berkle then suggests heading into Farpoint Hall to round out the team with a final member, describing a Tiefling Paladin with a vague name to the group.   As the new group reaches the door to Farpoint Hall, the doors burst open to reveal a Firbolg in shining armour who goes by the name: Captain Clarke Gabrius. He gives the group some unsolicited advice, while maintaining his self-absorbed aura as local celebrity, and then swiftly leaves for some adoring fans. Entering the hall, Arcim immediately spots Yedahlia (who also notices the group) mid-arm-wrestle, and heads over to make introductions. Yedahlia quickly resolves the arm-wrestle, and after a brief discussion she agrees to join the group, while Nekrid hands over all of his money in advance as a show of good faith. The group then comes across a group of arrogant mercs that start causing trouble, and antagonize the group. Yedahlia stands her ground and intimidates the leader, while Nekrid attempts in vain to ease the tension and de-escalate. Arcim notices subtle movements from the opposition indicating an attack, but also hears some commotion outside.   Right as weapons are about to be drawn, the 'business' portion of the hall is demolished by a raging Cyclops. The standoff is swiftly abandoned (but not forgotten) as everyone rushes out to fight. The entire settlement is being swarmed by various creatures and fiends, with Cyclops being the main cause of problems. Lyra makes a valiant attempt to assist in the fighting of the Cyclops, but is swiftly knocked down for her troubles. The party is then ordered by Berkle to protect some of the civilians from any danger. A small troupe of Goblins creeps in from over the walls to assault the civilians, but they are repelled with most of them running away to nurse their wounds.   With the civilians safe, the party attempts to heal up and revive Arcim, noticing too late the large boulder thrown by the Cyclops. This is intercepted however by Bruun, one of the 4 blades of Niphrodel. Nekrid recognizes Bruun as one of those great heroes, and stands in admiration as the rest of the blades swiftly take down the Cyclops with little effort. In the aftermath of the battle, Captain Clarke Gabrius takes credit for the party's deeds, lapping up the affections of most of the civilians. A small group of orphans do show their appreciation to the group however. Nourished by this heartwarming affirmation, the group approaches the leader of Farpoint Melinda, who tasks them with finding the lair of the goblins they fought, finding any information about who coordinated the attack and then clearing them out. The group accepts, takes on a few supplies, and heads out to Woodmaw to begin their quest.   The group gets to know each other a bit on the way to the forest, and then quickly picks up on the trail of the wounded, fleeing goblin party. After spending some time tracking, they come to the entrance of the goblin's lair, guarded by 3 goblins. Lyra attempts some trickery, but it ultimately turns into a fight, with one goblin heading inside to raise an alarm, one goblin slain, and one goblin taken for questioning. The group interrogates the goblin to find their numbers and a secret escape tunnel behind the lair. After a brief debate, Yedahlia slays the goblin, after which the party then decides not to attack the lair right away. The group then returns to Farpoint to request backup.


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