Planet Fyrst

Fyrst is the middle planet, created first of the three, according to the lore.   It has no moon. So, nights are dark, and there is no tide.   Even if the cultures and their history are diverse, no one has found electricity. Overall, they are on the level of the Middle Ages on Earth.   They build houses out of wood, stone, or bricks.   Their ships are light and easy to handle but do not take a huge amount of cargo. In general, you do not travel across the open sea.   Around the poles, winter is permanent. At the equator, the summers are tropical, and the winters are still warm enough to harvest crops.   The inclination of the planet’s axis is just a few degrees, so there are polar night and midnight sun in much smaller areas than Earth.   The ellipse that constitutes the orbit makes the planet get a lot further away from the sun during winter – that is what causes the winter far more than the angle.   It also means that it is the same season all over the globe.


  • Gulhuva Main Map
  • Droyma Main Map
  • World map, planet Fyrst
  • Kanohi Main Map
  • World Map Materials

Cover image: by Désirée Nordlund + check Credits article


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