Spilkum Sea

The Spilkum Sea is characterized by its relatively calm and warm waters compared to the more turbulent northern Hafrek Sea. The sea has a distinctive geography, shaped like a bowl with a wide spout in the north and surrounded by land on most sides. This configuration results in sheltered waters that are generally safe and hassle-free for navigation. The passage in the southeast, although narrow, does not present significant challenges to sailors.  
by Désirée Nordlund + check Credits article
  The calmer conditions and warmer waters make crossing the Spilkum Sea a favored route for seafarers. It is considered safe and without the surprises often encountered in more treacherous waters, offering a reprieve from the harshness of the open ocean. This tranquility allows for regular maritime activities and makes it a vital area for trade and transport within Fyrst.
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World map, planet Fyrst

Cover image: by Désirée Nordlund + check Credits article


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