

The region of Ofrary is divided into eight notable districts:

  • Oxred
  • The Logging District -
  • Tadpole


Ofrary is the most densley populated captial in Vaeruin.


Ofrary is historically ruled by a Governor who is voted in for set terms. These terms are also determined by periodic votes by the citizens of the coastal capital, though the "sweet spot" seems to have been set at 8 year terms (one year for each district).


The Governor is expected to oversee all political and financial matters of the capital. Traditionally, the ruling Governor would dedicate a whole year's worth of investment into each of the eight districts to prevent one area from being favored over others.


As for security, Ofrary does not currently have a military. Instead, individuals who serve as guards or district law enforcers may volunteer their time if there ever was a need for Ofrary to defend itself.


Ofrary boasts a robust law enforcement that keeps the trade in Bexbalt fair and honest. The guards are often retired miners or ex-loggers who became too bored.


The Patroon are a sub-set of specialized guards who are notorious for busting seedy or illegal shipments.

Industry & Trade

Ofrary's major exports are lumber, iron and other heavy metals from Mulligan Mines, and fish/seafood.   Minor exports Ofrary is known for are precious gems/metals and pearls.


Ofrary is an interesting mish-mash of coastal trade town, dense logging, and proud miners. The city infastructure embraces the blend of earth, caverns, and sea in very interesting ways.


Many of the buildings in Lacroft and Franrood are built primarily from heavy polished stone (marble for the wealthy). The coastal trade center of Bexbalt is speckled with bridges and shipyards built from weathered and sturdy stone and wood. The houses up north in Shrewman are made of the dark, deep colored wood brought in from the Logging District.


Ofrary's oldest buildings are in Franrood, and from there the capital exploded in all directions and with incredible integration of archetecture.


  • Capital Ofrary
    Southern Capital Region of Ofrary
Founding Date
300 OV
Alternative Name(s)
Capital Ofrary
100,000 +/-
Inhabitant Demonym
Southerners, Ofrarians
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
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