
Goddess of Pleasure and Cats Aasis (a.k.a. Demon Sucker)

Aasis is a devoted follower and lover of Graz’zt as he was the own who gave her the powers she now welds. She is associated with the colour dark pink.

Divine Domains

Life, Nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black cat on a pink rose

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The once elven girl was look down upon for being born with bright pink hair and being a street urchin. She never new her biological parents and she never really cared enough to look for them, she learnt to live on the streets by selling her self to others. She didn't mind the line of work, she even got some enjoyment out of it. One night she met a young man who told her that the church would take her in if she wished, that they were looking for young women like her. So she went with the man to this church, she soon found out that the churched worshiped Graz’zt, she had finally found a place that excepted her for who she was. She found and adopted a stray cat that became her friend and eyes on the street. A few years pasted, Aasis had claimed to the top of the cult, she like everyone else in the cult, wished for physical contacted with Graz'zt, so she prayed. As she was now the head of the cult, she finally got her wish. He enjoyed having someone so devoted to him that he granted her powers. As she was the only one with these powers some of the members started to think that she was his chosen one and she started to get followers of her own. Graz'zt didn't like this, so he decided to give her a secret ritual that he said would give her more powers. It did so much that it changed her into a goddess, which was a surprised to all those involved. So she wouldn't be alone she changed her cat into a celestial creature. She now wonders the world sleeping with people and gaining followers. She is still in love with Graz'zt and now sees them as equals, but Graz'zt has other ideas.



Lover (Trivial)

Towards Aasis




Lover (Vital)

Towards Graz’zt




Aasis, Goddess of Pleasure and Cats is a loyal servant of the demon lord as he was the reason she gained power, they have also been lovers in the past.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Their love for pleasure

Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Graz’zt (Lover)
Current Residence


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