
The Dark Prince of Pleasure Graz’zt

The appearance of the Dark Prince is a warning that not all beautiful things are good. Standing nearly nine feet tall, Graz’zt strikes the perfect figure of untamed desire, every plane and curve of his body, every glance of his burning eyes, promising a mixture of pleasure and pain. A subtle wrongness pervades his beauty, from the cruel cast of his features to the six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Graz’zt can also transform himself at will, appearing in any humanoid form that pleases him, or his onlookers, all equally tempting in their own ways.   Graz’zt surrounds himself with the finest of things and the most attractive of servants, and he adorns himself in silks and leathers both striking and disturbing in their workmanship. His lair, and those of his cultists, are pleasure palaces where nothing is forbidden, save moderation or kindness.   The Dark Prince of Pleasure considers restriction the only sin, and takes what he wants. Cults devoted to him are secret societies of indulgence, often using their debauchery to subjugate others through blackmail, addiction, and manipulation. They frequently wear alabaster masks with ecstatic expressions and ostentatious dress and body ornamentation to their secret assignations.   Although he prefers charm and subtle manipulation, Graz’zt is capable of terrible violence when provoked. He wields the greatsword Angdrelve, the Wave of Sorrow, its wavy, razor-edged blade dripping acid at his command. (   The Dark Prince is a deeply sexual, erotic being. He is known on many worlds only in legend, as a dark figure who visits witches and sorcerers, granting them sexual favours as well as magical powers. As a result, his female consorts have populated the multiverse with a depraved host of half-fiend children. Some learn of their father's identity and delve into the Abyss, hoping to usurp his power. His dark elf son, Athux, leads Graz'zt's demonic army, while his daughter Thraxxia serves as a private assassin.   The Minions of Graz'zt- Graz'zt is always attended by six powerful lamias, and his marilith escorts; Unhath and Reluhantis, are never far from his side. Before Lillith's fall, she was never far from the dark Prince as she was his general and at times, advisor. She trained Athux along side Mazakine never thinking he would take her daughters place as head of the army, instead he trained for captain. Lillith was also known to be one of his lovers which is how she got her title. When at his palace, the Dark Prince keeps many attractive demons at hand, to feed his ferocious sexual appetite. Bodaks and similar horrors are the only other occupants of the Argent Palace.   Technically, every demon living within Graz'zt's world-spanning empire is considered one of his loyal servants; those who prove otherwise are fed to the carnivorous plants in his perfumed hanging gardens. Noteworthy minions include a hulking goristro named Orwantz, who acts as Graz'zt's personal border control for Azzagrat, and Rule-of-Three, a cambion who meets secretly with other fiends of the Lower Planes, to strategize an attack against the celestials.   For a time, Graz'zt was trapped on the Material Plane world of Oerth by the witch-queen Iggwilv, who used his insight to elevate her own power. Eventually, however, she succumbed to the Dark Prince's charms. Graz'zt ultimately returned to the Abyss, but rumors abound that he did, in fact, fall in love with his captor. A son, Iuz, was born of their union. (

Divine Domains

Chaos, Corruption, Demonic, Pleasure and Evil

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Graz'zt was once an archdevil who served Asmodeus before he realised that the hierarchy of Hell ultimately benefited only one creature, Asmodeus, and felt that pledging his allegiance to the Abyss was the only way to place himself beyond Asmodeus' clutches.



Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Graz’zt




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Demogorgon




Dark Prince's chief rivals, Demogorgon and Orcus. The violence of the eternal war between these three demons rivals that of the Blood War, and costs them unthinkable resources that could be put to use in the battles against the baatezu. Graz'zt covets Demogorgon's title as the Prince of Demons above all else, and throws army after army at his most hated enemy in hopes of claiming it.


Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Graz’zt




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Orcus




Orcus wanted to be recognized as "Prince of Demons", a title held by Demogorgon and coveted also by Graz'zt. As a result, he became the arch-enemy of both demon lords. Dark Prince's chief rivals, Demogorgon and Orcus. The violence of the eternal war between these three demons rivals that of the Blood War, and costs them unthinkable resources that could be put to use in the battles against the baatezu.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The abyss

Shared Acquaintances

The other demon lords


Lover (Trivial)

Towards Aasis




Lover (Vital)

Towards Graz’zt




Aasis, Goddess of Pleasure and Cats is a loyal servant of the demon lord as he was the reason she gained power, they have also been lovers in the past.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Their love for pleasure


Husband (Important)

Towards Elrith




Wife (Important)

Towards Graz’zt




Elrith is both his wife and rival, they also have two children.

Nicknames & Petnames

Elrith to Graz'zt- Hunk, Hubby, Lover, Nuisance, Hoarder   Graz'zt to Elrith- Sexy, Wife, Lover, Narcist, Mother

Relationship Reasoning

There technically married but neither mind the others lovers.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

There love for pleasure and their children

Shared Acquaintances

The other demon lords

Legal Status



Lover (Important)

Towards Iggwilv




Lover (Important)

Towards Graz’zt




One of Graz'zt's most confusing enemies is the witch queen Iggwilv. The two have been both lovers and bitter enemies over many years. The witch queen was an enemy of the Nine Hells, owing to her partial interest in Graz'zt. She had a quasit familiar, who acted as a spy for the evil queen.

Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Chaotic Evil
Aasis (Lover)
Elrith (Wife)
Current Residence
Ruled Locations


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